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                  PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.


                • 成龙历险记第四季 1.0 成龙历险记第四季
                  2003 欧美动漫
                  简介:  本剧描写成龙和他11岁的侄女小玉历险于世界各地的故事。在片中,成龙的职责是赶在黑帮之前找到12个魔力符咒。在寻找符咒的过程中,成龙意外发现每个符咒都代表着中国的十二生肖之一,每个符咒又都能赋予持有』者一种独特且神秘的力量,它们一旦被黑帮联合起来,就会释放出“终极黑暗”,成为淆@乱整个社会的元凶。
                • 成龙历险记第五季 3.0 成龙历险记第五季
                  2004 欧美动漫
                  简介:  本剧描写成龙和他11岁的侄女小玉历险于世界各地的故事。在片中,成龙的职责是赶在黑帮之前找到12个魔力符咒。在寻找符咒的过程中,成龙意外发现每个符咒都代表着中国的十二生肖之一,每个符咒又都能赋予持有者一种独特且神秘的力量,它们一旦被黑帮联合起来,就会释放出“终极黑暗”,成为淆乱整个社会的元凶。
                • 恐龙的行军 9.0 恐龙的行军
                  2011 欧美动漫
                  简介:  这是一部关于恐龙的科教记录片,  北极:7千万年前。一个极端的世界。夏季的阳光变成了24小時严寒的夜晚。恐龙们不得不做出选择,勇敢的向南迁徙以寻找阳光。一段充满了暴风雪,火山爆发和致命狩猎者的危险旅程,一个年轻的埃德蒙頓龙开始了他的第一个千里迁移.  片中令人惊叹的CG动画 和精心构建的数码世界,可以說是真正的恐龙电影演变,令人震撼.  The Arctic: 70 million years ago. It is a world of extremes. Tropical summers of 24hr sunlight are replaced by freezing winters of continuous night. The remarkable dinosaurs that lived under the Northern Lights had to make a choice, brave the winter or head south to find the sun.  Join Scar, a young Edmontosaurus embarking on his first thousand-mile migration. It is a journey for survival that is fraught with danger; blizzards, volcanic eruptions and deadly predators lie ahead. Meanwhile Patch, a juvenile Troodon, left alone in the North, must learn to survive in one of the harshest environments the Earth has ever known.  This epic feature-length adventure portrays an incredible polar odyssey that actually happened but has never  been witnessed before. Based on recent fossil evidence blasted out of the ice around the North Pole, the makers  of &#39;&#39;Walking with Dinosaurs&#39;&#39; and &#39;&#39;Prehistoric Park&#39;&#39; are delighted to introduce you to an all-new cast of dinosaurs, from feathered tyrannosaurs to giant marine predators. Featuring stunning animation and a painstakingly recreated digital world, it can truly be said that the dinosaur film has evolved.
                • 乐活姐妹:怪诞冒险第一季 2.0 乐活姐妹:怪诞冒险第一季
                  2020 欧美动漫
                  简介:  Two Australian party girls, Sarah and Rachel, looking for fun times, new experiences, positive vibes, and hopeful horoscopes in the bizarre town of Wollongong. Sarah&#39;s quest is to find love, whereas Rachel hungers for chaos, often bringing them into conflict as they encounter surreal Australiana, strange bush creatures, and eccentric nomads.
                • 奇波和神奇动物的时代第一季 5.0 奇波和神奇动物的时代第一季
                  2020 欧美动漫
                  简介:  Netflix原创动画剧集《奇波和神奇动物的时代》(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts,暂译)发布先导预告!该剧配卐音卡司包括凯伦·福原、德翁·科尔等,客串配音卡司包括斯特林·K·布朗、丹·史蒂文斯、丽亚·德拉利亚、琼·杰特、约翰·霍吉曼、GZA等。故事讲述一生都活在地下洞穴的小女孩奇波被带到了世界末日的地球表面,开启了冒险之旅。她加入了一群幸存者的团队↙,踏上了仙境旅程,在那里,想◣要杀死他们的生物都非常可爱。该剧将于明年1月14日开播。
                • 奇波和神奇动物的时代第二季 6.0 奇波和神奇动物的时代第二季
                  2020 欧美动漫
                  简介:  Netflix原创动画剧集《奇波和神奇动物的时代》(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts,暂译)发布先导预告!该剧配音卡司包括凯伦·福原、德翁·科尔等,客串配音卡司包括斯特林·K·布朗、丹·史蒂文斯、丽亚·德拉利亚、琼·杰特、约翰·霍吉曼、GZA等。故事讲述一生都活在地下洞穴的小女孩奇波被带到了世界末日的地球表面,开启了冒险之旅。她加入了一群幸存者的团队,踏上了仙境旅程,在那里,想要杀死他们的生物都非常可爱。该剧将于明年1月14日开播。


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