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                  PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.


                • 猫和老鼠传奇第一季 8.0 猫和老鼠传奇第一季
                  2006 欧美动漫
                  简介:  Tom and Jerry Tales: Volume Five was released on August 12, 2008.[7] The episodes include: Invasion of the Body Slammers / Monster Con / Over the River and Boo the Woods / Xtreme Trouble / A Life Less Guarded / Sasquashed / Summer Squashing / League of Cats / Little Big Mouse / Bend it Like Thomas / Endless Bummer / Game Set Match.
                • 米老鼠的▂黑白动画片生涯 8.0 米老鼠的黑▲白动画片生涯
                  1928 欧美动漫
                  简介:华特?迪斯尼宝◤藏々: 米老鼠的黑白动画片生涯,本合集收录了从1928年~1935年米老鼠所有早期黑白动画作品。1928年【汽船威利】(Steamboat Willie)被製作成有声卡通,本片成为影史上第一部有声卡通影片,【汽船威利】的成功使︼得华特迪士尼声名大噪,后来华特迪士尼还因为创造出米奇老鼠而获得奥斯卡金像奖的特别荣誉奖呢。在1935年的【米奇音乐会】(The Band Concert)中米奇首度以彩色面貌与大家见面!
                • 飞天小女☆警2016第二季 5.0 飞天■小女警2016第二季
                  2017 欧美动漫
                  简介:  Cartoon jijidy.com Network旗下经█典动画系列飞天小女警又卷土重来啦!  糖、香料和各种美好的东西,外加神秘的黑色化学物质「X」,花花(Blossom)、 毛毛(Buttercup)、泡泡(Bubbles)就这样诞生了,她们模样可爱,嫉恶如仇,守护着小镇村的安全与和平,誓与罪犯周旋到底……
                • 飞天小女警2016第三季 5.0 飞天小女警2016第三季
                  2018 欧美动漫
                  简介:  新版飞天小女警续订第三季
                • 飞天小女警2016第一季 7.0 飞天小女警2016第一季
                  2016 欧美动漫
                  简介:  Cartoon Network旗下经典动画系列飞天小女警又卷土重来啦!  糖、香料和各种美好的东西,外加神秘的黑色化学物质「X」,花花(Blossom)、 毛毛(Buttercup)、泡泡(Bubbles)就这样诞生了,她们模样可爱,嫉恶如仇,守护着小镇村的安全与和平,誓与罪犯周旋到底……
                • 猫和老鼠2014第二季 3.0 猫和老鼠2014第二季
                  2016 欧美动漫
                  简介:  The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back in The Tom and Jerry Show, a fresh take on the classic series. Preserving the look, characters and sensibility of the original, the all-new series shines a brightly colored, high-definition lens on the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.


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