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                A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022.   Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hopes of reversing the side-effects… but also they’re being chased by a government agency, dealing with college applications, teenage romance, random monster mutations, and all of sorts ...


                • 墨尔本风〖云第五季 5.0 墨尔本风云第五季
                  2012 美国
                  简介:讲述了墨尔本市黑社会团伙1996年到2004年的真实活动,包括帮派之间的矛盾、械斗「和火拼,以及由此产生的一系列谋杀案件,所使用的人名全都是真实的。根据该剧的描述,墨尔本最大的两个帮派是莫兰家族及其 &quot;死对头&quot; --从家族中分裂出ω去 &quot;单干&quot; 的卡尔 威廉姆斯。Moran家族的骨乾成员包括路易斯、马克 和 杰森 莫兰,威廉姆斯家族的骨乾成员包括卡尔 威廉姆斯、托尼 莫科贝尔、安德鲁 文尼尔敏以及之后成为核心的维克多 布林卡特、蒂诺 迪布拉。此外,由阿方斯 甘吉塔诺、多梅尼克 嘉托、律师乔治 德芙特罗斯、马里奥 坎德罗组成的 &quot;卡尔顿帮&quot; ,以及由尼克 拉德夫领导的 &quot;俄罗斯帮&quot;,也是不容小觑的力量。
                • 冰血缉凶∮第三季 2.0 冰血缉凶第三季
                  2019 美国
                  简介:In the aftermath of Catherine&#39;s suicide, Detective John Cardinal outwardly accepts the evidence that she took her own life, but when he starts to receive taunting greeting cards blaming him for her death, he begins to question the suicide.
                • 冰血缉凶第四季 3.0 冰血缉凶第四季
                  2020 美国
                  简介:Cardinal struggles to move on. 精彩继续~
                • 寄宿学校疑云第五季 10.0 寄宿学校疑云第五季
                  2009 美国
                  简介:El Internado (Spanish, &#39;The Boarding School&#39;) is a Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a forest, where teenagers are sent by their parents to study. The boarding school is situated in a forest far from the city, on the outskirts on which macabre events occur. The series debut on 24 May 2007, and is a production of Antena ...
                • 寄宿学校疑云第六季 8.0 寄宿学校疑云第六季
                  2009 美国
                  简介:El Internado (Spanish, &#39;The Boarding School&#39;) is a Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a forest, where teenagers are sent by their parents to study. The boarding school is situated in a forest far from the city, on the outskirts on which macabre events occur. The series debut on 24 May 2007, and is a production of Antena ...
                • 寄宿学校≡疑云第七季 8.0 寄宿学校疑云第七季
                  2010 美国
                  简介:El ejército rodea el internado. Una alambrada impide que nadie pueda entrar o salir. Están incomunicados, se quiere evitar que cunda el pánico más allá de los límites del bosque. La cepa más peligrosa del virus de Ottox ha sido liberada en pleno corazón de La Laguna Negra. Todos sus habitantes pueden estar infectados. Así, en estado de alerta máxima, arranca la última etapa de ...


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