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                • 天堂岛疑云第六季 3.0 天堂岛疑云第六季
                  2017 美国
                  简介:DI Humphrey Goodman and his team are back solving increasingly puzzling murders on the beautiful island of Saint Marie - from a body on a volcano to a two-part story which takes the team to London. But it’s not just the crime which is troubling Humphrey - as his relationship with Martha blossoms, will the course of true love run smoothly? Meanwhile the team are concerned for Se...
                • 天堂岛疑云第五季 9.0 天堂岛疑云第五季
                  2016 美国
                  简介:DI Humphrey Goodman and the team are left stumped in the first episode of the new series when millionaire environmentalist and scientist Dan Hagen is shot on his boat while out at sea.
                • 天堂岛疑云第四季 3.0 天堂岛疑云第四季
                  2015 美国
                  简介:British detective inspector Kris Marshall is assigned to investigate a murder on the paradise island of Saint-Marie in the Caribbean.
                • 天堂岛疑云第三季 7.0 天堂岛疑云第三季
                  2014 美国
                  简介:Poole’s untimely and tragic demise brings Humphrey Goodman to the beautiful island of Saint Marie as the new Detective Inspector. But while he enthusiastically embraces Caribbean life, his new team of Camille, Dwayne and Fidel quickly realise they’ve got another eccentric and rather frustrating Englishman on their hands… Humphrey’s apparently random and disorganised approach to...
                • 天堂岛疑云第二季 10.0 天堂岛疑云第二季
                  2013 美国
                  简介:《天堂岛疑云》是由英国和法国电视台在法国海外省瓜德罗普联合拍摄的一部罪案喜剧剧情片,由Robert Thorogood执导, 本.米勒和萨拉.马卐丁斯主演。2012年在英国国家电视奖上曾获提名,但最终未能入选角逐名单。本剧讲述一名刻板保守的英↑国警察Richard Poole(本.米勒饰演)被派去加勒比海上的圣玛丽岛,侦查他的同僚之死。成功破解他的同僚死亡之谜后,他最终成为了当地警察局的新探长。 _破烂熊
                • 天堂岛疑云第一季 2.0 天堂岛疑云第一季
                  2011 美国
                  简介:该剧由Robert Thorogood编剧,Ben Miller和Sara Martins主演,讲述了一个鱼离开水的故事。一名警察被发现死在了圣玛丽的岛上,Richard Poole督察受命进行调查。对别人而言是天堂的小岛,对Richard而言却是∴地狱,因为他讨厌阳光和沙滩。但他对破案很有心得,他与当地警方合作,一同破解一桩桩错综复杂的谋杀案。@Ragbear


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