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                已完结 / / 海外剧 /德国 / 2022



                • 作案←动机第四季 2.0 作案动机第四季
                  2016 海外
                  简介:The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg&#39;s older brother Murray Schultz. Greg&#39;s death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to staff sergeant, Brian in his new position as Angie&#39;s partner, and the new homicide detective Mitch Kennecki, an overly cocky know-it-all because he is a legacy. Greg&#39;s death is initially d...
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                  简介:Dicte is a dedicated reporter and refuses to give up before she has her story. Her stubbornes gives her problems immediately with the policeman John Wagner, and they often get into clashes with each other.
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                  2014 海外
                  简介:Dicte is a dedicated reporter and refuses to give up before she has her story. Her stubbornes gives her problems immediately with the policeman John Wagner, and they often get into clashes with each other.
                • 罪案记者调查3 2.0 罪案记者调查3
                  2015 海外
                  简介:Dicte is a dedicated reporter and refuses to give up before she has her story. Her stubbornes gives her problems immediately with the policeman John Wagner, and they often get into clashes with each other.
                • 最后的警→察(法国版)第一季 1.0 最后的★警察(法国版)第一季
                  2013 海外
                  简介:故事〓开始于1991年5月6日,拥有一妻一女的警官Alexander Falco本该有个光明的前途。然∏而造物弄人:一颗子弹射入他的脑中而后使『他陷入了昏迷。22年后Falco奇迹般睁开了他的双眼,却◤早已不认识了这个世界:妻子拥有了新的家庭,而女儿也早已︽长大成人。他的前队友,现在已经晋「升为长官,也宣布了他的退休。但Falco坚决不放①弃。凭着一▅股冲劲和不墨守成规的态度,和年轻【的新警官Lieutenant Chevalier一起,他又回到了调查╲中。Falco为了夺回他的生活愿意付出一切,只要他开始↑,就没有什么能让他停下来。
                • 最后的警察(法国版)第二季 9.0 最后的警察(法国版)第二季
                  2014 海外
                  简介:故事开始于1991年5月6日,拥有一妻一女的警官Alexander Falco本该有个光明的前途。然而造物弄人:一颗子弹射入他的脑中而后使他陷入了昏迷。22年后Falco奇迹般睁开了他的双眼,却早已不认识了这个世界:妻子拥有了新的家庭,而女儿也早已长↓大成人。他的前队友,现在已经晋升为长官,也宣布了他的退休。但Falco坚决不放弃。凭着一股冲劲和不墨守成规的态度,和年轻的新警官Lieutenant Chevalier一起,他又回到了调查中。Falco为了夺回他的生活愿意付出一切,只要他开始,就没有什么能让他停下来。


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