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                沃尔夫和谢莉尔结婚二十载,感情依旧十分甜蜜。实际上,他们这个庞大的家族里一直隐藏了一个秘密,那就是他们是一个专注ζ 于行窃的“犯罪世家”。常在河边走哪有不湿鞋,终于,沃尔夫被警探迈克(卡洛斯·博纳德 Carlos Bernard 饰)捉住了,谢莉尔▂本以为这不过是一次小小的失误,只需要接收一点小小的惩罚,哪知道沃尔夫有可能将要面临々的是为期五年的牢狱之灾。   谢莉尔的家庭实际上充满了漏洞,儿子卡尔(帕特里克·福伦格 Patrick Flueger 饰)和黑帮勾结实行抢劫计划,却因此遭到了黑帮的追杀。女儿希瑟误入歧途被人拍下裸照勒索要挟。就连最正直的罗根,也隐藏着他黑暗的一面。


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                  简介:  “Loot” returns a year after Molly Wells (Maya Rudolph) settles her very public divorce from tech billionaire John Novak (Adam Scott), and we find her thriving in her role as the head of her philanthropic organization, the Wells Foundation. Focused mainly on her charity work, Molly has sworn off any new relationships with men.
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