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                Now in New Orleans, Jim strives to break back out of the minors and back into the major leagues while continuing his popular podcast. Brockmire faces a whole new level of drunken debauchery that The Big Easy makes so easy.


                • 无声的证言第七↘季 2.0 无声的证言第七季
                  2003 美国
                  简介:Answering Fire - In a suspected terrorist attack on a London hotel a government minister is killed. As Sam and the team investigate the case, old friends and government officials soon muddy the water.   Fatal Error - When two brothers are found dead in a police cell, Sam and Leo find themselves on opposing sides of an Old Bailey court case – then a 13-year old murder resurfaces, ...
                • 无声的ζ证言第八季 9.0 无声的证言◣第八季
                  2004 美国
                  简介:A Time to Heal -The team is called out to Northern Ireland to investigate the bodies of two men killed by paramilitaries twenty years ago. For Sam, it is a case that is soon to turn personal…   Death by Water - Tensions are running high in the ‘leaderless’ team as Leo and Harry clash over an investigation into an outbreak of breathing difficulties among children on the South Coas...
                • 无声的证言第九』季 2.0 无声的证言第九季
                  2005 美国
                  简介:The team is shocked when Leo Dalton&#39;s wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but believe the driver may have been involved in a identity theft ring when they find several several passports and ID cards in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Nikki must perform urgent autopsies on t...
                • 无声的证言第十季 1.0 无声的证言第十季
                  2006 美国
                  简介:When a boat carrying illegal passengers is found crashed in the Thames, the team investigate.
                • 无声的证@言第十一季 8.0 无声的证言第十〓一季
                  2007 美国
                  简介:The pathologists investigate when a military helicopter crashes into a refugee detention center. Harry and Nikki actually witnessed the crash and were first on the scene but the case is complex since the center was Ministry of Defense property leased to the Home Office. The team is shocked at the conditions they find in the center and Harry, who has a close friend in the RAF, i...
                • 无声好友第【二季 10.0 无声好友第二季
                  2019 美国
                  简介:上回Kate和Michael争吵过后,Michael发生了车祸。   失聪的他又会迎来怎样的困难,他们又会如何应对接▅下来的生活呢?


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