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                金属编年史第一季第1集在线观∑ 看

                已完结 / / 欧美剧 /法国,比利时 / 2012


                An anthology series in which each episode is a self-contained story set in a different world, with all stories linked together by an asteroid called the Metal Hurlant, which is passing close to the planet that is the focus of the current episode.


                • 新贵第一季 3.0 新贵第一季
                  2016 美国
                  简介:BBC Two确认预订由Ben Elton执笔的喜○剧ぷ《Upstart Crow》,本剧主要讲述威廉·莎士比亚的【生平,将作为BBC在2016年莎翁纪念节的一部分播出。David Mitchell将饰演早年的莎翁;同时出※演的还有Harry Enfield、Paula Wilcox、Liza Tarbuck以及Gemma Whelan。故事主线的一部分将来自于莎翁的灵感源泉,Elton说:“我努力站在莎士比亚的角度讲故事,甚至用一只鸡的羽毛做的笔写剧本▆,一年都◣没换过内裤。”2016年的莎翁纪念节将会举行一系列活动纪念莎翁去世四百年①ㄨ。此外,Benedict Cumberbatch和Judi Dench主演的《The Hollow Crown》三部系列以及Russell T Davies执导,Maxine Peake、Matt Lucas、Bernard Cr...
                • 新贵第二季 1.0 新贵第二季
                  2017 美国
                  简介:Will is desperate to make a good impression with the College of Heralds so that he can finally get a coat of arms. Befriending a dashing African prince by the name of Otello may provide Will with the means to climb the social ladder.
                • 新贵々第三季 4.0 新贵︾第三季
                  2018 美国
                  简介:Will needs inspiration for his new play A Midsummer Night&#39;s Dream. Meanwhile, how can he get hold of m.ysgou.ccsome love potion, and where is Bottom going to put that stuffed donkey head?
                • 新费雪小姐探案集第◤一季 5.0 新费雪小姐探案集第一季
                  2019 美国
                  简介:Set in swinging &#39;60s Melbourne, the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when the famous aunt she never knew, Phryne Fisher, goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea. Peregrine sets out to become a world-class private detective in her own right with the unerring guidance of The Adventuresses&#39; Club, a group of exceptional women of which her celebrated au...
                • 新飞越比佛利第一季 4.0 新飞越比佛利第一季
                  2008 美国
                  简介:新学期开始前,一辆私家车载着Wilson一家从堪萨斯的小镇去往奢华的比佛利山。Annie(施蕾·葛莱姆斯 Shenae Grimes 饰)和自幼被收养的黑人哥哥Dixon(特里斯坦·瓦尔德斯 Tristan Wilds 饰)对新家与新学校都有着憧〖憬又有点担心,此次父亲Harry(罗伯·艾斯特斯 Rob Estes 饰)一来是为了照顾昔日好莱坞明星、行事语言夸张的母亲Tabitha、二来是担任子女们周一就要上课的学校新校长。他对子女的严格管教与母亲对孙儿及时行乐享■受青春的影响恰成对比。   新学期正式开始,Annie和Dixon和其他新生一样,因≡为父亲的身份特殊,遭遇同学的嘲笑和故意的捉弄,但阳光的Annie用自己的善良和笑容慢慢赢得了♂朋友的真心,而Dixon则为了自己的球队梦想而努力。在洛杉矶,在比佛利,这群青春新鲜人自由肆意地活出自己的生活和风格。
                • 新飞越比佛利第二季 3.0 新飞越比佛利第二季
                  2009 美国
                  简介:It was reported that in season 2, Dixon and Silver&#39;s relationship will suffer due to two new characters, Sasha, an African-American woman who pursues Dixon, and Teddy, a tennis champ who pursues Silver and later Adrianna. Annie will also go through hard times and feel isolated from the group, Dixon will abandon her because he gets &quot;sick of her drama&quot; when nude photos of her sur...


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