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                全职家庭主妇克莱尔(朱丽·鲍温 Julie Bowen 饰)与做地产经纪的丈夫菲尔(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 饰)养育着两个青春期的女儿和一个十岁大的儿子。克莱尔年过六旬的老父杰(艾德·奥尼尔 Ed O&#39;Neill 饰)新娶了年轻美貌的妻子格劳丽亚(索菲娅·维加拉 Sofía Vergara 饰),加上格劳丽亚和前夫所生的十岁儿子ζ 组成了一个新三口之家。克莱尔的弟弟米切尔(杰西·泰勒·弗格森 Jesse Tyler Ferguson 饰)和他的同性爱人卡梅隆(艾瑞克·斯通斯◢崔特 Eric Stonestreet 饰)则刚从越南领养了一名女婴,兴致勃勃地想要当一【对好爸爸。   这三个家庭各有各的烦恼需要面对和解决,彼此之间的频※繁往来也产生了一些不愉快。当难题不断摆在他们面前的时候,他们如何化解矛盾、维持家庭的和睦与欢乐气氛∏呢?


                • 拉斯维加斯第三季 4.0 拉斯维加斯第三季
                  2005 欧美
                  简介:  Now the Montecito has been sold to inexperienced young widow-heiress Monica Mancuso, who had it thoroughly renovated, Ed who stayed on as general manager is worried about the top-secret reopening, especially after two recent hold-ups in Indian casinos, but Monica refuses any delay so he can work in new staff. Most old key personnel has left. Danny now heads his late dad&#39;s contracting company McCoy Construction, but accepts to return as Ed&#39;s right hand, and rehires Mike -who was parking valet- and Sam, whose clients were deserting her, only Ed&#39;s daughter refuses. The boys soon find proof the construction crews have been infiltrated as there are at least two officially dead men and computer chips have been planted to cause a blackout one minute after the grand reopening starts, far more sophisticated then in either Indian casino heist.
                • 拉斯维㊣ 加斯第四季 6.0 拉斯维加斯〗第四季
                  2006 欧美
                  简介:  Picking up from where the last season left off, security realizes that a gun was fired in Ed&#39;s suite, as Danny and Ed&#39;s daughter realize they have deeper feelings for each other than either of them wanted to admit. Samantha realizes what trouble she&#39;s in when one of her high roller clients rolls into the hotel&#39;s beach front resort in Hawaii and rolls up a half a million dollar bill and threatens to leave it in her lap, along with the dead stripper in his room.
                • 大湖々小爱第二季 6.0 大湖小爱第二季
                  2023 欧美
                • 举证责任 5.0 举证责任
                  2023 欧美
                • 断林镇谜案第一季 4.0 断林镇谜案第一季
                  2014 欧美
                  简介:  侦探督察迈克·谢泼德擅长自己的工作,却不善于建立关系,到“布罗肯伍∴德”市破案时决定留下来,但很快谢泼德开始与克里斯汀·西姆斯侦探发生冲突。
                • 断林镇迷案第二☆季 7.0 断林镇迷案第二季
                  2015 欧美
                  简介:  The coach of the rugby team is found dead, strapped to a goal post.


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