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                一个为社交恐惧症困扰的年轻程序员只在黑客行卐为中结识他人,他被一个神秘的无政府主【义者招募了。   Follows a young computer programmer (Malek) who suffers from social anxiety disorder and forms connections through hacking is recruited by a mysterious anarchist.


                • 罪案第六♀感第三季 9.0 罪案第六『感第三季
                  2014 美国
                • 女超人/超级◥少女第六季 8.0 女超人/超级少女第六季
                  2021 美国
                  简介:CW又一次一口气续订多剧,这次共13部,包括《超级少女 Supergirl》(S6)。
                • 人工夏娃第三〗季 1.0 人工夏娃第三∞季
                  2016 美国
                  简介:Eve&#39;s attempts to help her sister KT pass for human are derailed when a miraculously recovered Katherine returns to Calimov. To Nick and Eve&#39;s horror, Katherine reveals her new range of childbots, which have been placed with local families. To prevent Katherine restoring KT to factory settings, Eve smuggles her out of Calimov and back to the Clarke house. But with Will and Lily...
                • 离婚快乐◥第一季 5.0 离婚快乐第一☆季
                  2011 美国
                  简介:故事发生在繁华的※大都市洛杉矶,芙兰(法兰·德瑞雪 Fran Drescher 饰)在那里经营着一间花店,她和丈夫皮←特(约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯John Michael Higgins 饰)结婚已经十八年了,依然生活在幸福之中的芙兰时常会庆幸自己选择了正确的那一个人。   然而突然有●一天,皮特告诉芙兰,自己其实是¤一名同性恋者,打算结束自欺欺人,正视自己的性ξ取向,就这样,芙兰♀失去了婚姻和家庭。可是好笑的是,离婚后的皮特发现自己竟然无处可去,无奈之下,他只能继续好前妻住在同一屋檐下◥,突如♀其来的角色转换让他们两人都觉得无Ψ法适应,但随着时间的∮推移,新的身份让两人渐渐意识到,也▓许他们的离婚才是正确的选择。
                • 离婚快乐第二季 6.0 离婚快乐第二季
                  2012 美国
                  简介:Peter convinces Fran not to stay away from her school reunion just to avoid her obnoxious braggart rival Jill, who married surgeon Frank. her plan is to take along even more desirable Elliot, who agrees at the gym to play the part. Peter tries out a &#39;gaydar&#39; app. Fran ignores the gang&#39;s warnings not to hope for Elliot actually falling in love with her, so they stage an interven...
                • 最错决定第一季 1.0 最错决定第一季
                  2010 美国
                  简介:Todd Margaret is an American who takes a job running the London sales team for an energy drink. He has no experience with British culture, knows nothing about sales and has only one employee, Dave.


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