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                美国FBI探员福克斯·穆德(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)童年时曾经历一起离奇神秘的绑架案,他的妹妹萨曼莎在睡梦中被外星人劫持,至今下落不明。从此穆德便专注于神秘事件的研究,并专门负责FBI总部的X档案部门。因穆德行事乖张,难以驾驭。FBI高层从联邦调查局学院调来女性探员黛娜·斯科莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰),表面上是协助穆德工作,实际上是希望这名崇尚科学的理性探员能够制约穆德的行为。两人最初的合作并不理想,完全不同的思维模式时刻导致争论的爆发。但随着各种离奇案件的出现以及两人交往的加深,穆德和斯⌒ 科莉最终变成可以为对方出生入死的可靠伙伴……   本片荣获1996~1999年度〓美国作曲家、作家及出版商协会影视音乐奖电视剧集第一名以及其他电影节近70个奖项。


                • 断林镇谜案↑第三季 7.0 断林镇谜案▲第三季
                  2016 欧美
                  简介:  Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd, is good at his job but bad at making labor relations, when it comes to the city of &quot;Brokenwood&quot; to solve a crime falls in love with him and decides to stay, but soon Shepherd begins to collide with Kristin detective Sims.
                • 断林镇谜←案第四季 9.0 断林卐镇谜案第四季
                  断ξ 林镇谜案第四季
                  2017 欧美
                  简介:  Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd, is good at his job but bad at making labor relations, when it comes to the city of &quot;Brokenwood&quot; to solve a crime falls in love with him and decides to stay, but soon Shepherd begins to collide with Kristin detective Sims.
                • 断林镇谜︼案第五季 5.0 断林镇谜案第⌒五季
                  2018 欧美
                  简介:  Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd, is good at his job but bad at making labor relations, when it comes to the city of &quot;Brokenwood&quot; to solve a crime falls in love with him and decides to stay, but soon Shepherd begins to collide with Kristin detective Sims.
                • 断▃林镇谜案第六季 10.0 断林镇谜案第六季
                  2019 欧美
                  简介:  In THE SLEEPY TOWN OF BROKENWOOD, New Zealand, the affable residents may seem harmless, but killers, blackmailers, and thieves lurk in every picturesque corner. To quell the community&#39;s alarming murder rate, Detective Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea) uses an unconventional style that contrasts with the methodical approach of his partner, Detective Kristin Sims (Fern Sutherland), and the eager assistance of DC Sam Breen (Nic Sampson). In Series 6, Shepherd and his team face a deadly explosion at a steampunk festival; a bestselling crime author killed in the same manner as a murder in his book; the shooting of an animal rights activist protesting a duck hunt; and a suspicious suicide inside the local women&#39;s prison, that pits them against convicts they&#39;ve put away in the past. Full of dry wit and twisty plotlines, these mysteries are as compelling as they are quirky.
                • 断≡林镇谜案第七季♂ 6.0 断林镇谜案第☉七季
                  2021 欧美
                  简介:  Mike and his team are thrust into a world of antiquities when a TV crew&nbsp;from the hit series All Things Old and Beautiful arrives in town and one of the hosts is murdered.
                • 断林镇▓谜案第八季 4.0 断林镇↘谜案第八季
                  2022 欧美
                  简介:  Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd arrives on assignment in Brokenwood, a small town where memories - and animosities - run deep.


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