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                • 各取所需 7.0 各取所需
                  2019 美国
                  简介:Eight friends, all in a stable relationship, decide to venture into a game of sexual discovery by exchanging couples while trying to free themselves from their daily routine and add a spicy touch to their love life.
                • 各取所需第㊣二季 10.0 各取所需第二季
                  2021 美国
                  简介:A few months have passed since the last game. Adriana left Oscar and now he lives with Gaby...and Mica. Valentin came out of the closet and is trying to be happy in this new stage of his life. Barbara and Leo were stripped of their belongings by Aurelia&#39;s lawsuit but they adopted Carmen and now have a &quot;throuple.&quot;
                • 玩物男孩第二季 10.0 玩物男孩第二季
                  2021 美国
                  简介:Months after the explosion at the Inferno, Hugo sets out to find the one responsible and avenge Triana. Meanwhile, Macarena tries to abandon her sex addiction with the help of an enigmatic guru.
                • 玩▲物男孩第一季 10.0 玩√物男孩第一季
                  2019 美国
                  简介:A stripper sets out to prove his innocence for a crime he didn&#39;t commit and was unjustly incarcerated for seven years earlier.
                • 直到生活让我们●分开 6.0 直到生活让我们分开
                  2021 美国
                  简介:The family Paix?o runs a farm for wedding parties, but the business is not going well. While the love between the parents, Vanessa and Daniel appears to have ended, the grandparents, Luisa and Joaquim, seem inseparable; and the children, Rita and Marco, have completely distinct opinions about love.
                • 忠贞2022 8.0 忠贞2022
                  2022 美国
                  简介:本剧改编自Marco Missiroli的同名畅销╱小说。   这是一个关于爱与背叛的故事,讲述一对三十多岁的中产阶级夫妻,当他们开始对其他人产生欲望,两人的性关系开始变得紧张。


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