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                在第一季事件中引发的“女巫之战”。在塞勒姆中Mary Sibley陷入了混乱当中,她将面对新老对手跟她争王位。本季客串一位德国古老女巫与Stuart Townsend 后裔还有一位神秘医生揭露塞勒姆镇的秘密。第二季4.05开播。——来自SSK字幕组


                • 拉斯维加斯第二季 6.0 拉斯维加斯第二季
                  2004 欧美
                  简介:  Ed is framed for murder when enemies from his past resurface. Danny and Mike secretly intervene to investigate and take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile, Sam, Nessa, Mary and Delinda desperately attempt to find tenants for their new joint-purchased home, settling on what they think to be the perfect tenants, only to discover they&#39;ve misjudged the situation.
                • 拉斯维加斯第五季 3.0 拉斯维加斯第五季
                  2007 欧美
                  简介:  Las Vegas PD detective Max Dillon first arrests Danny, who learns DElinda is pregnant, of killing still missing Mary&#39;s dad, alone or with her, until Mitch and Mike prove there must be another suspect. Sam survives her kidnapping by dumping Vince Peterson in flight. Her disloyal attempt to recruit whales as investors fro the Montecito is fruitless, and late since gloomy cowboy Cooper already paid the tax arrear.
                • 黑白恋曲 8.0 黑白恋曲
                  2017 欧美
                  简介:  男主是名杀手,专业杀人;女主是名医◣生,专业救人。某日,因为一场阴谋,女主被男主挟持。将死之际,女主被告知与男主结婚可免一死。为了活着女主同意了,然而她不知道,真正的战争,才刚刚开ㄨ始。 @沙拉特字幕组
                • 黑夜继承者第一季 1.0 黑夜继承者第一季
                  2019 欧美
                  简介:  By the end of the 19th century, the last remaining seven of the vampire clans have spread over the whole of Europe. They are extremely hostile towards one another, but when modern times threaten their species with extinction, there is only one way of ensuring survival. Their children, the HEIRS OF THE NIGHT, must be trained together to benefit from the strengths of the other clans
                • 黑夜继承者第二季 8.0 黑夜继承者第二季
                  2019 欧美
                  简介:  By the end of the 19th century, the last remaining seven of the vampire clans have spread over the whole of Europe. They are extremely hostile towards one another, but when modern times threaten their species with extinction, there is only one way of ensuring survival. Their children, the HEIRS OF THE NIGHT, must be trained together to benefit from the strengths of the other clans
                • 09级 6.0 09级
                  2023 欧美
                  简介:  《阿特兰大 Atlanta》及《教师情事 A Teacher》的主演Brian Tyree Henry及Kate Mara将留在FX,主演科幻限定剧《09班级 Class of ’09》。限定剧《09班级》讲述在近未来美国的司法系统已经被AI所改变,主角是一群FBI探员,这群在09年毕业的探员因为一名共同过生而重聚。整个故事会横跨30年,在三条时ㄨ间线里谈及正义、人性及角色的选择将导致什麽事情发生  Brian Tyree Henry饰演Tayo Miller,他是FBI最具才能,但亦最为离经叛道的探员,Tayo渴求可◥以完全改造FBI、Kate Mara饰演未曾预料自己会加入执法机构的Amy Poet,意外发现自己成为FBI转型的中心人物。


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