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                新人们进入第二年实习期,最初的新奇和激情被忙碌、疲劳取代,也慢慢发现被传为“纳粹”的贝利医生严酷外表下是一颗极其善良的心。梅雷迪斯(艾伦·旁派 Ellen Pompeo 饰)与“梦幻先生”德里克(帕特里克·德姆西 Patrick Dempsey 饰)从一夜□情正式发展到谈恋爱,怎料“正室”艾迪森(凯特·沃什 kate walsh 饰)出现,原来德里克目前↘处于和老婆分居状态,一直被他逃避的婚姻问题再度摆上台面,梅雷迪斯倍▓受煎熬;那边厢,克里斯蒂〓娜(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)与黑人「医师伯克擦出的火花持续放大,在“怀孕”和“事业”间挣扎,却不幸遭遇流产;伊泽贝尔(凯瑟琳·海格尔 Katherine Heigl 饰)和亚里克斯(贾斯汀·钱伯斯 Justin Chambers 饰)开始约会,发展也并不顺【利……


                • 欢乐道场第一↑季 6.0 欢乐道场第一季
                  2011 美国
                  简介:山葵鲍比空手道馆连锁最差的一家道馆,就是由鲁迪老¤师(Sensei Rudy,Jason Earles饰)经营的这【家山葵鲍比武术学校了。为了提升道馆■形象,拯救道』馆命运,在道馆学习的这些边缘学生们◇把刚转※学来的新生杰克(Jack,Leo Howard饰)拉进了道馆。而杰克恰巧得到过他爷爷的真传,功夫高强。杰克与新加入的女生〖金(Kim Crawford,Olivia Holt饰)以∏及山葵道馆忠实的学员们一起欢乐地习武强身,同时也要不时共同※解决一些成长难题。   该剧由《汉娜·蒙塔娜》(Hannah Montana)中的滑稽♀主演Jason Earles和迪士尼新星Leo Howard领衔,是迪士尼XD频道2011年主→打的情景喜剧。
                • 欢乐道※场第二季 10.0 欢乐道ぷ场第二季
                  2012 美国
                  简介:山葵鲍比空手道馆连锁最差的一家道馆,就是由鲁迪老师(Sensei Rudy,Jason Earles饰)经营的这家山葵鲍比武术学校了。为了提升道馆形象,拯救道⌒ 馆命运,在道馆学习的这些边■缘学生们把刚转学来的新生杰克(Jack,Leo Howard饰)拉进了道馆。而杰克恰巧得到过他爷爷的真传,功夫高强。杰克与新加入︻的女生金(Kim Crawford,Olivia Holt饰)以及山葵道㊣ 馆忠实的学员们一起欢乐地习武强身,同时也要□ 不时共同解决一些成长难题。该剧由《汉娜·蒙塔娜》(Hannah Montana)中的滑稽主演Jason Earles和迪士尼新星Leo Howard领衔,是迪士尼XD频道2011年主打的情景喜剧。
                • 欢乐一家亲第一▲季 6.0 欢乐▂一家亲第一季
                  1993 美国
                • 欢乐一家♂亲第二季 3.0 欢乐一家亲第二季☆
                  1994 美国
                  简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father&#39;s physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
                • 欢乐一家亲∑第三季 2.0 欢乐一家亲第三季
                  1995 美国
                  简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father&#39;s physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...
                • 欢乐一家亲△第四季 8.0 欢乐一家亲第四季
                  1996 美国
                  简介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father&#39;s physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...


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