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                Maxwell Smart is back...And Loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief, Fang and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmy Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Get Smarts unforgettable third season is a must-own collection of quintessential tel...


                • 美式■主妇第五季 7.0 美式〓主妇第五季
                  2020 欧美
                  简介:  Katie goes to great lengths to appease Principal Ablin in order to ensure Taylor graduates high school; Greg finishes writing the final chapter of Lonnie&#39;s book; Oliver is devastated to learn Cooper&#39;s family will be moving out of Westport.
                • 天堂旗】帜下 4.0 天堂旗帜下
                  2022 欧美
                  简介:  本剧」改编自Jon Krakauer同名书籍,将讲述一系列事件,最后导致了居住在犹他州盐湖谷郊区的Brenda Wright Lafferty(黛西·埃德加-琼斯 饰)和其宝贝女儿↙于1984年被谋杀。  在Jeb Pyre警探(安德鲁·加菲尔德 饰)调查Lafferty家庭内部事务时,他揭露了一些不为人知的秘密:耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(又称摩门△教)起源,和坚定信仰带来的暴力后果。作为一名虔诚的摩门教徒,Pyre发现的东西让他开始质疑自己的信仰。
                • 犯罪现¤场调查:纽约第一季 7.0 犯罪现场调◎查:纽约第一季
                  2004 欧美
                  简介:  CSI: NY (Crime Scene Investigation: New York) is an American police procedural television series that ran on CBS from September 22, 2004 to February 22, 2013, for a total of nine seasons and 197 original episodes. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers identified as &quot;Crime Scene Investigators&quot; (instead of the actual title of &quot;Crime Scene Unit Forensic Technicians&quot; (CSU)) as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths, as well as other crimes. The series is an indirect spin-off from the veteran series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and a direct spin-off from CSI: Miami, during an episode in which several of the CSI: NY characters made their first appearances. It is the third series in the CSI franchise.
                • 犯罪现」场调查:纽约第二季 5.0 犯罪现场调①查:纽约第二季
                  2005 欧美
                  简介:  CSI: New York, the third incarnation of the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation franchise, is a crime drama about forensic investigators who use high-tech science to follow the evidence and solve crimes in The Big Apple. Detective Mack &quot;Mac&quot; Taylor is a dedicated and driven crime scene investigator who believes that everything is connected and for everyone there is a story. He and his partner, Detective Stella Bonasera, a workaholic and a jack-of-all-trades, share a passion for the job. They lead a team of experts amid the gritty and kinetic city that never sleeps. Their team includes Danny Messer, a Brooklyn-born investigator with rugged good looks, an unflappable spirit and a colorful family history, and Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, a reclusive coroner who walked away from a promising surgical career after the traumatic loss of two patients. Joining them is homicide Detective Don Flack, an edgy, hardcore investigator with a quick wit, impressive forensic insight and limited patience with potential suspects. Rounding out the team is Aiden Burn, a smart and sexy investigator whose chameleon-like behavior allows her to adapt to any situation at any time. These skilled investigators, who see New York City in a whole different light, follow the evidence as they piece together clues and eliminate doubt to ultimately crack their cases.
                • 犯罪现场调查:纽约〗第三季 6.0 犯罪现场调查:纽约第三季
                  2006 欧美
                  简介:  讲述刑事警察局的法庭犯罪调查员如何在作案现场取得证据破案的故☉事。调查员的名言〗是“死尸会◣说话”,他们利用指纹、鞋印、子弹壳、血迹、毛发、纤维、尸体伤痕等◤微小证据,经过仔细的分析研究◣后,寻得破案的关键⊙。  本剧集为《犯罪现场CSI》最新克╱隆的新篇章,主要场景城市换成纽约。以当地◣办案人员为故事主轴,描写他们是如何地透过高科技的辅助,以及巨细靡∑ 遗的传统办案手法,破解一个又一个待解的※刑案。全新的场景和演员阵容值得期待。
                • 犯罪现场调查:纽约第四←季 7.0 犯罪现场调查:纽约第四季
                  2007 欧美
                  简介:  CSI犯罪现场调查:纽约》第四季的剧情高潮迭起,会让♀观众觉得仿佛在坐云霄飞车一般,首先是麦克泰勒被一名◤执着于&quot;333&quot;危险跟踪狂盯上。一件染血】的◥T恤、三更♀半夜的诡异电话及一盒沾有血迹的纽约市景拼图......这一切都代表什么?根麦克又有什◤么关系?他能在为时已晚之前破解这个充满了暧昧及悬疑的谜团吗?  讲述刑事警察局的法庭犯罪调查员如何在作案现场取得证据破案的故事。调查〓员的名言是“死尸会说话”,他们利用指纹、鞋印、子弹壳、血迹、毛发、纤维、尸体伤痕等微小证据∴,经过仔细的分析研究后,寻得破案的关键。  本剧集为《犯罪现场调查CSI》最新【克隆的新篇章,主要场景城市换成纽约。以当地办∩案人员为故事主轴,描写他们是如何地透过高科技的辅助,以及巨细靡遗的传统办案手法,破解一个又一个待解的刑案。


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