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                • 无耻之→徒第七季 3.0 无耻之徒第╲七季
                  2010 欧美
                  简介:  The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won&#39;t admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.
                • 无耻之徒第八季 10.0 无耻之徒第八季
                  2011 欧美
                  简介:  The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won&#39;t admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.
                • 无耻之徒第十一季 5.0 无耻之徒第十一季
                  2013 欧美
                  简介:  《无耻之徒》于2003开始制作,2004年初首播,已经走ω过了10年的历程,曾赢得过BAFTAs和英国喜剧奖等诸多奖项。根据其翻拍的美版也获得了巨大成功,收视口碑双丰收,美版《无耻之徒第十一季》将于2013年2月26日播出。
                • 采声自有时 2.0 采声自有时
                  2024 欧美
                • 硅谷 第一季 10.0 硅谷 第一季
                  硅谷 第一季
                  2014 欧美
                  简介:故事发生在高科技产业云集的美国硅谷,在这里,最有资质成功的人往往却是最没有办法处理其“功成名就”的人,本ㄨ剧主人公理查德(托马斯·米德勒蒂奇 Thomas Middleditch 饰)正是这样的人。
                • 硅谷 第二季 4.0 硅谷 第二季
                  硅谷 第二季
                  2015 欧美


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