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                类型: 电影解说
                导演: Joe Galliani




                  Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was produced by DIC Entertainment from 1994 to 1995. Later in 1996 the Street Sharks teamed up with the Dino Vengers (an early and vastly different-in-origin incarnation of the Extreme Dinosaurs) and the show became Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers. Like a number of children&#39;s cartoons, it was created to promote an existing Mattel toy line of the same name[1], created by toy maven David Siegel and writer/creative director, Joe Galliani of Mr. Joe&#39;s Really Big Productions[2].  In the first episode, a university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on a marlin and a lobster. Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, attempted to destroy Paradigm&#39;s research, and was transformed into an inhuman monstrosity by the evil scientist before escaping. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton&#39;s four sons — John, Bobby, Coop, and Clint — to transform them into sharks. As soon as they transformed, the four brothers ate a hotdog stand, and fled from the police by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt. The brothers planned to capture Paradigm so that they could force him to return them to their human selves and expose Paradigm&#39;s genetic experiments.  In subsequent episodes, Paradigm began to convince the residents of Fission City that the Street Sharks (as they became known) were vicious, deadly killers who were mutated by their father, Dr. Bolton. The brothers teamed up every episode to stop Paradigm and his deadly Seaviates from transforming the citizens of Fission City into mutants with no free will.  One of the characters&#39; favorite catchphrases was &quot;Jawsome&quot;, and their favorite food consists of hamburgers and french fries (although they&#39;re capable of eating just about anything - even if it&#39;s not food). The brothers have also expressed an obvious and very vocal dislike for pizza, an indirect acknowledgement toward the Ninja Turtles, whose image is well-known for being built around pizza.


                • 欲望酒店[电影解说] 6.0 欲望酒店[电影解说]
                  2013 电影解说
                  简介:  The Jane is a short starring Nate Dern, Bridey Elliott, and Veronica Osorio. The four ways one man can navigate an unusual proposition that he receives from two women at a hotel bar, while picking up takeout food for his girlfriend.  The four ways one man can navigate an unusual proposition that he receives from two women at a hotel bar, while picking up takeout food for his girlfriend.  《欲望酒店》探讨的主题并不陌ㄨ生,但它的结构和探讨方式很有意思。  男主的借脑洞□ 之便,在接受“诱惑”决定之前,都将可能发生的情节预测了一遍。  目的不◆为别的,因为他◎真的想(不承担和女友分手的风险)接受诱惑啊!  全片由Trevor Williams 自编自导自剪,也是非常有才了卐。  人虽然无法阻止欲望的产生,但可以阻止行动◥的发生,这也是人之所以为人。
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                  简介:  路纳因暴力伤害入监♂服刑,当身后的铁门关上,他要↙如何在铁门重新开启时全身而退,找出免于惹祸上身的生▂存法则?然而在这弱肉强食的监狱世界,现实却似乎没有@他算计得那样容易……毫不掩饰的暴力相向,写实呈现幽微阴暗的监狱风景,悖离道德的心机算计,都一再挑战观众的忍耐极限,宛如《预言者》另一篇章。
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                  简介:  BL网络小说新晋社员确定改编成电影,预计今年下半年上映。  承贤,29岁,就业失败,拿到硕士□学位3个月之后就变无业︼游民。他到AR企划社当实习生,20代√一直都在暗恋别人的他,虽然对周№围人不敞开心怀,唯独对外冷内热的金钟灿组长动心了。“如果我和钟灿顺利的话…真的就⌒是社内恋爱了╱,而且是和公司里最可怕最严厉的上司。”在首个职场展开的首次恋爱战』线,承贤能顺利〗度过吗?


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