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                类型: 电影解说
                导演: Joe Galliani




                  Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was produced by DIC Entertainment from 1994 to 1995. Later in 1996 the Street Sharks teamed up with the Dino Vengers (an early and vastly different-in-origin incarnation of the Extreme Dinosaurs) and the show became Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers. Like a number of children&#39;s cartoons, it was created to promote an existing Mattel toy line of the same name[1], created by toy maven David Siegel and writer/creative director, Joe Galliani of Mr. Joe&#39;s Really Big Productions[2].  In the first episode, a university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on a marlin and a lobster. Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, attempted to destroy Paradigm&#39;s research, and was transformed into an inhuman monstrosity by the evil scientist before escaping. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton&#39;s four sons — John, Bobby, Coop, and Clint — to transform them into sharks. As soon as they transformed, the four brothers ate a hotdog stand, and fled from the police by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt. The brothers planned to capture Paradigm so that they could force him to return them to their human selves and expose Paradigm&#39;s genetic experiments.  In subsequent episodes, Paradigm began to convince the residents of Fission City that the Street Sharks (as they became known) were vicious, deadly killers who were mutated by their father, Dr. Bolton. The brothers teamed up every episode to stop Paradigm and his deadly Seaviates from transforming the citizens of Fission City into mutants with no free will.  One of the characters&#39; favorite catchphrases was &quot;Jawsome&quot;, and their favorite food consists of hamburgers and french fries (although they&#39;re capable of eating just about anything - even if it&#39;s not food). The brothers have also expressed an obvious and very vocal dislike for pizza, an indirect acknowledgement toward the Ninja Turtles, whose image is well-known for being built around pizza.


                • 毛毛熊[电影解说] 4.0 毛毛熊[电影解说]
                  1985 电影解说
                • 守护神[电影解说] 1.0 守护神[电影解说]
                  1997 电影解说
                  简介:  《守护神》讲述的是精灵王国的故事。充满爱心的小精灵大卫无法忍受人类对植被的破坏和对动物○的杀害,他跟好朋友一起成立了“大卫小组”,开始了对地球环境的拯救行动。动画片以生动易懂的形式寓教于乐,引导少年儿童保护动植物,爱护地♀球家园。
                • 桑德坎1992[电影解说] 8.0 桑德坎1992[电影解说]
                  1992 电影解说
                  简介:  《桑德坎》讲述了一个气势恢宏的复仇夺权的故事。这类故事题材在众多的动画片中相▆当罕见。残暴贪婪的叔父狼阴谋╱夺取了兄长虎的政权,只有虎王的幼子桑德坎得以侥幸脱逃。桑德坎长大后带领一干生死弟兄①走上起义之路,最终夺得了胜利。
                • 电脑精灵[电影解说] 10.0 电脑精灵[电影解说]
                  1991 电影解说
                  简介:  80年代的老动画《电脑精灵》,讲的是一个叫克莱得的次品电脑被他们星球上的人扔到了地球上,恰巧掉进了萨姆他们家中...克莱得可以把2个主角送︾到网络世界中去完成各种任务,里面有4个病毒进攻器。最难忘的就是那个戴着头巾拿着大刀的病々毒每次都喊到“进攻!~”...然后就不故一切冲上去...
                • 肥牛牛贝◤斯[电影解说] 8.0 肥牛々牛贝斯[电影解说]
                  1988 电影解说
                  简介:  初中时看的无敌搞笑动画片。每天逃掉←晚自习,回家看。第一次真的从沙发笑到地板。  随时从壳里爬出来的乌龟(就算→不爬出来,也会碎掉的),假正经的乌鸦...想起来就要笑出眼泪
                • 营救老爸老〖妈[电影解说] 3.0 营救老爸老妈[电影解说]
                  2020 电影解说
                  简介:  准备好来一场最意想不到的外宿之夜了吗?一对姊弟和最■要好的朋友在欢乐的周末一同过夜,却发现姐弟的煮妇妈妈玛戈(玛琳·艾珂曼饰)其ㄨ实过去是神级大盗,而现在正接受证人保护计画。这夜,爸妈(肯·马里诺饰爸爸♂)遭人绑架,并◥被迫与玛戈的旧爱(乔·曼根尼罗饰)一起再干最后ぷ一票。姊弟俩必▓须合作拯救爸妈,这一夜也绝对会让他们终身难忘。 《夜半救援》将于 8 月 21 日在 Netflix 上线。


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