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                类型: 恐怖




                1817年,法国大作家司汤达来到意大利,在佛罗伦萨终日沉醉于文艺复兴时期的大师杰作。一天,他到圣十字教堂参观米开朗基罗、伽利略和马基雅维利的陵墓,刚走出教堂大门,突然感到头脑纷乱,心脏剧烈颤动,每走一步都像要摔倒。医生诊断这是由于频繁欣赏艺术珍品使心理过于激动所至,这种 因强烈的美感而引发的罕见病症从此被称为“司汤达综合症”。   直到今天,佛罗伦萨的医生仍会不时碰到“司汤达综合症”患者,病情严重的甚至要住几天医院。他们多半是狂爱艺术且极具鉴赏力的游客,野心勃勃,要在几天之内扫遍这座文艺复兴中心城市的艺术宝藏,结果却在接踵而来的视觉冲击中不堪重负。但意大利∞人对“司汤达综合症”有百分之百的免疫力,对他们来说,文艺复兴的辉煌,像空气一样无所不在,从幼年到迟暮,他们的生活里一直流动着达芬奇、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔那个天才时代的气息   电影中的女警官,和当年的司汤达一...


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                  简介:  A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.
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                  简介:  Ya?ar, a young man, has a hard time after his father&#39;s death. His inheritance from his father causes Ya?ar to have problems with his stepmother. Meanwhile, Ya?ar learns that her sister-in-law, Canan, who is living in the same house, is in love with her. While Ya?ar is dealing with the inheritance issue and his sister-in-law, he realizes that there are some strange events at home. Yasar&#39;s mentally disordered daughter Efsun&#39;s dark past is unearthed, making things even more complicated. The pain of the family, who had to face the dark past of Efsun, is just the beginning for them.
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                  简介:  米娅的目的地婚礼似乎注定了,当她的新娘党不是太热衷于做所有的工作,把一个破旧的夏天的卡姆变成她的梦想的场所-当他们开始被神秘地杀死,这也没有帮助。


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