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                类型: 恐怖
                导演: Johannes Persson




                A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive, by creating compelling stories about an old witch myth. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which the ancient Swedish witch is said to live.


                • 闹鬼¤网红屋 3.0 闹鬼网◆红屋
                  2021 恐怖
                  简介:A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadly consequences.
                • 残虐你,娱乐我 8.0 残虐你,娱乐我
                  2009 恐怖
                  简介:  茜比(Laura Breckenridge 饰)、泰碧莎(Katheryn Winnick 饰)和莉萨(Jessica Lucas 饰)是荆棘丘陵小镇上青梅竹马□的好朋友,长大后的某一天,她们却相继经历№了一段恐怖的体验。  茜比和男朋友罗伯(Tad Hilgenbrink 饰)夜间→驱车前往辛辛那提,路上遇见一辆怪物卡车。卡车】上载着一个面容憔悴的女子,一张写着“救命”的纸条飘到了茜比他们〖的车上;暴雨之夜,泰碧莎照顾两个小侄○子睡觉,屋内的小丑玩偶竟站了起来,狰狞地走向泰碧莎和◥孩子们;莉萨的室友彻夜未归,她和男友丹(Reid Scott 饰)来ㄨ到一幢阴森的古堡寻找,等待他们的却是……  这一切,似乎都与三人童年时的一个玩伴♀有关。
                • 鳄鱼群 2.0 鳄鱼群
                  2023 恐怖
                  简介:A group who break into and old mining cave system soon realise a nest of Crocodiles inhabit the caves.
                • 血嗜森林 6.0 血嗜森林
                  2024 恐怖
                  简介:Joba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returns from a country pilgrimage to challenge their bleeding hearts, they accept an invitation that will change their lives forever.
                • 各怀鬼胎 8.0 各怀鬼胎
                  2022 恐怖
                  简介:As his mother’s illness progresses, a wealthy young man hires a perfect caregiver. But their lives start to spiral into a deadly affair as the caregiver seemingly tries to make herself a permanent facet of the wealthy family.
                • 靛蓝 3.0 靛蓝
                  2023 恐怖
                  简介:Zora has been described as an indigo since childhood, making her life always haunted and targeted by supernatural beings. Alongside her younger sibling, who is also an indigo, they strive to overcome their fear of these unseen attacks.


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