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                类型: 美国
                导演: Jyri K?h?nen






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                  2020 美国
                  简介:57 岁的失业男子亚兰·德兰波受到№一个诱人职缺吸引,但当他发现自己竟是残酷企业游戏中的【一颗棋子,事态开→始急转直下。
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                  简介:芭迪(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)经营着自己的律师事务所,她招募了初出茅庐的艾伦(萝丝·拜恩 Rose Byrne 饰)作为自己的搭档,两人向⊙未知的命运发起了挑战。艾伦即将和男友大卫(诺亚·比恩 Noah Bean 饰)订婚,正当她沉浸在幸福气息中之时,名叫汤姆(泰特·多诺万 Tate Donovan 饰)的资深律师出现在了她的身边成为了她的“职业导师”,随着时间〇的发展,艾伦发现自己似乎陷入了麻烦之中。   接受了顾客的委】托,芭迪以腐败之罪名向名叫阿瑟(特德·丹森 Ted Danson 饰)的知名总裁发起了进攻,受到了攻击的阿▅瑟自然不会罢休,他请来了传说中无往不胜的律师雷(齐杰洛·艾文克 Zeljko Ivanek 饰),打算动用自己的权利和财产给予芭迪全力的反击。
                • 裂痕第四季 6.0 裂痕第四季
                  2011 美国
                  简介:Three years have passed since Patty and Ellen last worked together. Ellen reconnects with her high school friend, Chris Sanchez, who has recently returned from a stint at High Star, a private contractor in the Middle East. Unable to get assistance from the corporation or the government, Ellen decides to look into his case. Both her new boss and Patty warn Ellen about building a...
                • 裂痕第三季 1.0 裂痕第三季
                  2010 美国
                  简介:Almost a year has passed since Ellen Parsons left Hewes and Associates. She is now working in the District Attorney&#39;s office and is dealing with a fairly important drug case, trying to get a dealer to reveal the identity of his supplier. Patty Hewes is now acting on behalf of a group of investors trying to recover money they had entrusted to Louis Tobin and who, it turns out, w...
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                  简介:Three months after the Frobisher settlement, Patty is concentrating on establishing a charitable foundation when an old boyfriend, named Daniel Purcell, contacts her and entangles her in a new case involving corporate fraud and greed. Meanwhile, Ellen continues working with the FBI to destroy Patty, but she becomes more rash and impatient as she continues to set up her appearan...
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                  简介:Already on opposite sides of Michael Hewes&#39;s custody suit against his mother, Patty Hewes (Glenn Close) and Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne) prepare to face off in court after a cyber-hacker&#39;s revelations about insider trading expose damaging personal information that push an informant over the edge.


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