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                类型: 海外




                The lives of two eccentric metal detectorists, who spend their days plodding along ploughed tracks and open fields, hoping to disturb the tedium by unearthing the fortune of a lifetime.


                • 夏利特医院第二季 4.0 夏利特医院第二季
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                  简介:时值 1943 年,柏林夏利特医院的工作人员努力应◆对二战和纳粹统治带来的影响,其中就包括优生↑医疗实践。
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                  简介:From The Pen Of Legendary Crime Writer Lynda La Plante Comes A Brand New Drama - Above Suspicion. Kelly Reilly Stars As Anna Travis, A Rookie Detective On The Hunt For A Serial Killer Alongside Her Tough Boss DS Langton (Ciaran Hinds)
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                  2010 海外
                  简介:Above Suspicion returns with a horrific copy cat killing, bringing DC Travis and DCI Langton back together. Kelly Reilly stars in the new three part drama as young cop Anna Travis, while acclaimed actor Ciaran Hinds is her boss, volatile Detective Chief Inspector Langton.   A skateboarding youth makes a shocking discovery at his local skate park – a lifeless white figure, apparen...
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                  2015 海外
                  简介:故事描述一组强悍但好心肠的警察为了抓捕罪犯不息采用各种手段。他们在城中治安环境最差〖的区域工作,所面对的全都是恶性案件:制毒案、纵火案、新纳□ 粹主义案和谋杀案。这些还只是他们的日常工作。一个令人头疼⊙的连环杀手在城中肆虐,侦缉警督Vivienne Deering(Joanna Scanlan)和她的团队意识到他们遇到了强大的对手。在得力助】手Dinah Kowlaska警探(Elanine Cassidy)和Joy Freers调查警司(Alexandra Roach)的协助下,Vivienne发ㄨ誓要侦破此案。Vivienne的行为实在太怪异,所有人都认为她精♀神不正常。Dinah性格冲动。Joy Freers最近刚刚升职,担任Dinah的助手。…
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                  2018 海外
                  简介:Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie. But there&#39;s a reason these cops are in this force. As the never ending rabble off the local estates pours in, Inspector Vivienne Deering, the station&#39;s...


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