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                类型: 电影解说
                导演: 丁重




                  清廷御厨饕餮公, 精通制作满汉全席, 得获盛名! 在其掌管御厨期间, 遭奸人所害; 惨被逐出宫外, 永不录用. 他心灰意冷地离开京城返回故乡, 却竟发现全家惨遭杀害. 只有小孙儿幸免获救, 他伤心之余携同孙儿离乡别井, 隐居于一僻静小村, 把孙儿养大成人, 更传授绝世奇功 &quot;饕餮功&quot; 公孙两人能否合力报却这血海深仇!?


                • 孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒[电影解说] 7.0 孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒[电影解说]
                  2022 电影解说
                  简介:  Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds.
                • 怪兽屋[电影解说] 5.0 怪兽屋[电影解说]
                  2006 电影解说
                  简介:  12岁的DJ(米切尔?莫索 Mitchel Musso 饰)是个爱幻想的家伙。他整天觉得对面街的老头子的那座荒废的老屋阴森怪气,附近的一些物体经常不翼而飞。经过详细观察,DJ发现原来失踪的物品都被老屋吃了,那么老头子→失踪的老伴应该都是被吃了,DJ心想。不过大人们甚至伙伴们都觉得DJ在异♀想天开。  万圣节前的一天,DJ和伙伴乔德(山姆?勒纳 Sam Lerner 饰)不小心将篮球扔到了老屋门前,他们眼睁睁的看着一股神秘力量将篮球吸进了屋内,就连新搬来的伙伴珍妮(史宾塞?洛克 Spencer Locke 饰)也差点成了老屋的美味。伙伴们这下相信了DJ的说法,不过大人们却依然觉◥得他们在扯蛋。为了阻止老屋继续吃人作恶,伙伴们决定携手与它作战到底。
                • 巴黎淘气帮[电影解说] 10.0 巴黎淘气帮[电影解说]
                  2009 电影解说
                  简介:  小尼古拉(马克西姆·戈达尔 Maxime Godart 饰)深受父母宠爱,在学校也与一帮朋友玩得开心,这其中包括:想当大官的亚斯特Alceste(Vincent Claude 饰)、以后会继承父业的杰夫Geoffroy(Charles Vaillant 饰)、梦想成为自行车冠军在班上却总是被罚站的克劳岱Clotaire(Victor Carles 饰)、长大要当黑道的奥◆德Eudes(Benjamin Averty 饰)、希望跟老爸一样成为警察的鲁夫Rufus(Germain Petit Damico 饰)以及全班第一名永远不会被罚站也是老师(Sandrine Kiberlain 饰)的最爱学生同时是其他同学眼中讨厌的大蟑螂的阿南Agnan(Damien Ferdel 饰)。  有一天,尼古拉的妈妈(瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃 Valérie Lemercier 饰)建议爸爸(凯德·麦拉德 Kad Merad 饰)请老板及夫人来家里吃饭,以便获得老板青睐涨工资;但小尼古拉听到和观察到的结果却让他以为父母要生个小↘弟弟,不要他了。沮丧的∑ 小尼古拉请求朋友们的帮助,大家七嘴八舌给他出了一堆建议,包括送花、大扫除,甚至找罪犯领养弟弟等荒谬办法。与此同时,教育部长也要来学校参观,班级△又换了严厉的代课老师……  本片根据由法国作家勒内·戈西尼(René Goscinny)创作,漫画家让-雅克·桑贝(Jean-Jacques Sempé)配画的系列同名漫画故事改编。影片在法国本土上映后一举拿下全法双周票房冠军,并获2010年凯撒奖最佳改编剧本提名。
                • 星球大战:异等小队第【一季[电影解说] 3.0 星球大战:异等小队第一季[电影解说]
                  2021 电影解说
                  简介:  讲述了“残次品”的精英和实验性克隆人在克隆人战争刚结束时,在迅速变化的银河系中寻找自己的方向。“残次品”成员是一支独特的克隆人队伍,他们在基因上与克隆人军队中的兄弟不同,每个人都拥有一种独特的特殊技能,使他们成为特殊的士兵和可怕的船员。
                • 星球大战:异等小队第二季[电影解说] 5.0 星球大战:异等小队第二季[电影解说]
                  2023 电影解说
                  简介:  When the new season opens, months have passed since the events on Kamino, and the Bad Batch continue their journey navigating the Empire after the fall of the Republic. They will cross paths with friends and foes, both new and familiar, as they take on a variety of thrilling mercenary missions that will take them to unexpected and dangerous new places. “Star Wars: The Bad Batch” season 2 stars Emmy Award? nominee Dee Bradley Baker (“American Dad!”) as the voice of the Bad Batch and Emmy Award? nominee Michelle Ang (“Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462”) as the voice of Omega. Emmy Award? winner Rhea Perlman (“The Mindy Project,” “Cheers”) returns to guest star as Cid, Noshir Dalal (&quot;It&#39;s Pony,&quot; &quot;The Owl House&quot;) returns to guest star as Vice Admiral Rampart and Emmy Award? winner Wanda Sykes (“The Upshaws,” “Black-ish&quot;) makes her guest starring debut in the series as as Phee Genoa.    “Star Wars: The Bad Batch” is executive produced by Dave Filoni (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”), Athena Portillo (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”), Brad Rau (“Star Wars Rebels,” “Star Wars Resistance”), Jennifer Corbett (“Star Wars Resistance,” “NCIS”) and Carrie Beck (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars Rebels”) with Josh Rimes (“Star Wars Resistance,” &quot;Star Wars: Visions&quot;) and Alex Spotswood (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”) as producers. Rau is also serving as supervising director with Corbett as head writer and Matt Michnovetz as story editor.
                • 正义联ω 盟与红白黑黄:超级英雄和猎人(上)[电影解说] 7.0 正义联盟与红白黑黄:超级英雄和猎人(上)[电影解说]
                  2023 电影解说
                  简介:  外网宣布,华纳将制作正义联盟与新角色《红白黑黄》的联动动画电影


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