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                类型: 欧美




                  Princess Georgiana is the black sheep of a fictional British Royal Family. A PR disaster, she&#39;s spent her spoilt, party-girl life plastered over the tabloids. On the back of her latest scandal her father, the King, makes the unprecedented move of abdicating his Australian throne in favour of his daughter. It is hoped that giving her some real responsibility will finally be the making of her - and if it isn&#39;t, at least shipping her off keeps her 10,000 miles away from London. Accompanied by a useless entourage, Queen Georgiana of Australia goes kicking and screaming to a country she has zero interest in beyond the Hemsworth Brothers.


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                  简介:First crushes, first kisses, fun with friends — and feuds with rivals. In the halls of Galileo Galilei Middle School, every day is full of surprises!
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                  简介:欢迎来到 EWS,这是一所著名的寄宿学校,在这里,明星之ω路荆棘遍布,胆小如鼠之人注定不会成功。《青春叛逆歌①》翻拍自深受喜爱的青少年肥皂剧,21 世纪初,该剧分别有阿根廷和墨西哥版本。在圣地亚哥·利蒙和伊布朗◣·阿沙特的执导下,《青春叛逆歌》在精英学校的长↑廊中奏响,带来新一代的学生、故事情节和人物(还有一些『老粉丝熟悉的角色)。《青春叛逆歌》共 8 集,围绕一群学生展开叙述,她/他们倾尽全力,立志在 EWS 的乐队之战∑中获胜,这场比赛决定着☆她/他们的音乐生涯能否顺利起航。一路上,爱情和友谊之花在学生之间绽放,而一个神秘的秘密社团让众人的音乐明星之梦蒙上了阴ㄨ影。
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                  简介:Melissa Barrera将主演Netflix的剧集《喘息 Breathe》,这部由《盲点 Blindspot》主创Martin Gero及执行制片Brendan Gall所负责的剧讲述一架小型飞机在加拿大荒野♀坠机后,原本只是个律师的女『主(Melissa Barrera饰)得想尽办法生存下去。
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                  简介:基于真ぷ实罪案故事改编,聚焦得州杀手Candy Montgomery和她的受害者Betty Gore。故】事发生在1980年的∩得克萨斯,Candy Montgomery看似◣生活美满——丈夫工作体面,人也体贴,还≡有一儿一女,一家人↘住在新开发郊区一栋不错的房子里。那她为何要用一把斧子残忍杀害自己教会里的朋友呢? 本剧由《恶行》主创之一Nick Antosca、编剧Robin Veith共同开发,试播集编剧为Veith,导演是Michael Uppendahl(《弹劾:美国罪案故事》)。
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                  简介:改编自同名漫画,讲述1988年万圣节过后的早晨,四个送报纸的12岁女□ 孩无意间卷入了穿越时空的旅行者们之ξ间的冲突,她们被派去进行穿越时空的冒险,拯救世界。当她们在现在、过去和未来之间旅行时遇到了未来的自己,现在她们必须ζ 选择接受或拒绝她们的命运。这是一场情感▲冒险,女孩和她们最终成为的女人都很坚强,她们的友谊是真实的,她们的时空穿梭是史诗般的。黄阿丽饰演成年版的艾琳·提恩,当▓两个艾琳最终相见时,她们被迫面对童年的希望、梦想、野心和长大后的生活现「实之间的差距。
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                  简介:It&#39;s 1989 and Mo makes his first big &quot;discovery&quot; as a newly minted jazz producer. Dawn&#39;s still serving time www.2kyb.com for masterminding Black Monday, Blair learns the hard way how to play politics, and Keith discovers that the late Lenny Leighman has some big follicles to fill. Mo hatches a plot to get Dawn an early release.


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