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                类型: 恐怖
                导演: K. Asher Levin




                A father and his daughter, suffering from major hearing loss, arrive at a construction site for work. They are soon taken hostage by a dangerous couple, and must work together to outsmart their captors and survive the night.


                • 恐怖夜车 1.0 恐怖夜车
                  1985 恐怖
                  简介:  God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes. One involves an insane anylum with some very interesting treatment plans. Another involves a &#39;death club&#39;. The final story shows us the adventures of a server of Satan. This is a strange movie.
                • 太平间★闹鬼事件▲2:佐治亚鬼屋事件≡ 10.0 太平间闹鬼事件2:佐治亚鬼屋事件
                  2013 恐怖
                  简介:  1993年,拥有幸福美满家庭的丽萨·威瑞克(阿比盖尔·斯宾赛 Abigail Spencer 饰)精神〒饱受折磨,她的家族患有遗传病症,她和姐姐乔希(凯缇·萨克霍夫 Katee Sackhoff 饰)都能看到奇怪的景♀象,去世母亲的身影时时出现在她面前,声称要告诉她一些↘事情。为了帮助妻子治疗,丈夫安迪(查德·迈克尔·墨瑞 Chad Michael Murray 饰)在佐治亚的林间》买了一间小屋,可是宝贝女儿海蒂(艾米莉·艾林·林德 Emily Alyn Lind 饰)却由此▃声称能够看到一位名叫高迪的老人。乔希╱和安迪先后印证了海蒂的说法,但依赖∞药物的丽萨坚信这都是小女孩的臆想。在此之后,事态朝着不可预知的方向发展……  本片取材自真实事件。
                • 魔偶奇谭2 4.0 魔偶奇谭2
                  1991 恐怖
                  简介:  在临海老宾馆的惨剧发生之后,一支调查超自然现象的科研小组来到了这里。一名灵媒声称这个屋子非常危险,随后不久她就消失了,而〓一名队员也惨遭杀害,与此同时,一个全身包裹着绷带的神秘人出现了,他声称自己是这里的主人。谁也不知道这个神秘人╲是被一群魔偶从墓地中召唤回来的神秘亡灵,这是半个世纪前,源自开罗的一个承诺……  更多精彩 &nbsp;尽在夜半子不语论坛
                • 魔偶奇谭3 1.0 魔偶奇谭3
                  1991 恐怖
                  简介:  A puppeteer&#39;s ability to bring inanimate objects to life attracts the attention of the Nazis during World War II
                • 魔偶奇谭6 2.0 魔偶奇谭6
                  1998 恐怖
                  简介:  A scientist attempts to master the art of transferring molikan.com people&#39;s souls into puppets.
                • 魔偶奇谭8遗产 9.0 魔偶奇谭8遗产
                  2003 恐怖
                  简介:  The PUPPET MASTER series finally concludes with its seventh, and straight-to-video, sequel THE LEGACY. Comprised mostly of clips from the previous features, the film centers around Eric Weiss (Jacob Witkin) the little boy saved by toymaker Andre Toulon in PUPPET MASTER 3. Now a grown man in pursuit of Toulon&#39;s secret for animating objects, Weiss relates the puppets&#39; history--through flashbacks and archival footage from the first six sequels--to a woman named Maclain (Kate Orsini), unaware that the mysterious beauty is really an assassin out to destroy the puppet master&#39;s legacy


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