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                类型: 剧情
                导演: 肖央






                • 滴水之恩 3.0 滴水之恩
                  2010 剧情
                  简介:  A woman gets entangled in a series of bizarre lies in order to take care of herself and her 12 year old son.
                • 怪物马特 7.0 怪物马特
                  2010 剧情
                  简介:  The Taylor&#39;s family dog, Max, is kidnapped by the evil Sirus Caldwell, (Zack Ward) CEO of mega corporation Envigormax, to be used as a test subject for a new super energy drink. When trials go terribly wrong, Max escapes only to be transformed from his lovable self into... &#39;&#39;Monster Mutt&#39;&#39;! The Taylor kids, Ashley (Rhiannon Leigh Wryn) &amp; Zach (Billy Unger) try to save their loyal friend with the help of the scientist, Dr. Victor Lloyd (Brian Stepanek), who regretfully helped transform Max. The children must elude the evil Sirus and his henchwoman Natalya (Juliet Landau), who are determined to capture Monster Mutt to complete their experiment! Monster Mutt, is an adventure in both comedy &amp; chaos as the Taylor kids race to find a cure for their furry loved one before it&#39;s too late!
                • 极地▓奥德赛 1.0 极地奥德赛
                  2010 剧情
                  简介:  杨尼(尤西·瓦坦恩 Jussi Vatanen 饰)是一个整天无所事事游手好闲的无业游民,靠着领取政府发放的失业救济金生活,一晃眼五年就这样过去了,杨尼的女友依娜丽(帕梅拉·托拉 Pamela Tola 饰)对男友如今的现状感到非常的不满。一天,依娜丽拜托杨尼去买〓一台信号转换器,但杨尼给忘记了,当他↑想起来的时候,商场已经关门了。依娜丽彻底的爆发了,她向男友发出了最后的通牒,如果不能在今天买到数字转换器,那么他们就分手。  杨尼这才意识到事情的严∏重性,于是带着两个好友,杨尼踏上了寻找数字转换器的旅途,一路上,一行不靠谱的人遇到了各种各样的麻烦和意※外。
                • 配角物语 9.0 配角物语
                  2010 剧情
                  简介:  松崎宏司(益岡徹 饰)是一个热爱演戏的男人,他的父亲是名剧作家松崎健太(津川雅彦 饰),但是宏司丝毫不像借助父亲的力量,加上他长相平平,于是ζ长久以来始终担任万年小配角。好不容易捱到了要担当主演的人生关隘,谁知却出了乱子。宏司ω 偶然帮某议院的妻子(松坂慶子 饰)捡拾花束,结果被不良周刊拍下宣传成为桃色新闻。蒙冤的宏司丢掉了主演的机会,颇为郁闷。在此期间,他∞结识了目标前往美国纽约学习表演的女孩亚矢(永作博美 饰)。热情的亚矢自顾自闯入宏司的生活,让这个焦头烂额的男人︾甚为烦躁,同时又不知不觉为其◆所吸引。  为了证明自己的清白,宏司展∏开了行动……
                • 票据托收者 10.0 票据托收者
                  2010 剧情
                  简介:  Lorenzo Adams is in trouble. While working at a bill collection  agency in Norfolk, VA an old debt of his own suddenly comes due  when Frankie Gutierrez, an L.A. loan shark, shows up at his door.  With less than three weeks to payback $100,000 and Frankie’s  enforcer, Omar, shadowing his every move, Lorenzo cooks up a  plan to pay his debt by scamming the collection agency and an  inner-city mission. Neither Omar or the people from the mission  are what he expects and Lorenzo’s scheme doesn’t work quite  as he plans.
                • 生命太漫长 2.0 生命太漫长
                  2010 剧情
                  简介:  一位电影导演发现自【己的生活其实属于某一导演的电影作品。


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