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                类型: 美国





                • 督察班▲克斯第二季 5.0 督察班克斯第二季
                  2012 美国
                  简介:Stephen Tompkinson returns as the tenacious and stubborn Chief Inspector Alan Banks in three more chilling crime stories. As this series opens, Banks must learn to work with dramatic changes to his team. Detective Annie Cabbot is off on maternity leave soon to be replaced by the impossible-to-read Helen Morton. A new case becomes personal in Strange Affair when Banks discovers ...
                • 督察班№克斯第三季 9.0 督察班克斯第Ψ 三季
                  2014 美国
                  简介:Wednesday&#39;s Child   When a mother reports her child as having been abducted by a man and a woman masquerading as social workers, Banks is drawn into a strange and unsettling search for the missing young boy.   Piece of My Heart   Following the death of a journalist, Banks and his team discover connections to a suspicious death in the eighties involving the surviving members of a pop ...
                • 督察班克斯第四季 10.0 督察班克斯第四季
                  2015 美国
                  简介:What Will Survive   DCI Banks struggles to cope with the sudden death of his mother, as he investigates the murder of a young Estonian woman and the disappearance of her drug-dependent sister.   Buried   Banks must navigate difficult emotional territory when the body of an eminent lawyer is washed up in an underground river and he suspects a member of her grieving family is responsib...
                • 督察班克斯◢第五季 1.0 督察班克斯第五季
                  2016 美国
                  简介:Contemporary detective drama DCI Banks starring Stephen Tompkinson (Trollied, Truckers, Wild At Heart), Andrea Lowe (Love Life, Monroe) and Caroline Catz (Doc Martin) is returning to ITV, set in the stunning county of Yorkshire.   The six‐part drama features new cast members Samuel Anderson (Trollied, Doctor Who) who plays Vince, the latest member of Banks’ team, Shaun Dingwall (...
                • 督察∏班克斯第六季 6.0 督察班克斯第六季
                  2017 美国
                  简介:The tenacious and stubborn DCI Banks unravels disturbing murder mysteries aided by his young assistants, DS Annie Cabbot and DI Helen Morton.
                • 毒枭:墨西哥第二季 9.0 毒枭:墨西哥第二季
                  2020 美国
                  简介:《毒枭:墨西哥》第 2 季继续讲述米格【尔·安赫尔·费利斯·加拉多的故事,他现在是墨西哥第一大贩毒集团(瓜达⌒ 拉哈拉贩毒集团)的教父,一直在努力保持对各方势力的掌控,发展自己的帝国,在成▽为教父的路上不断调和所面对的背叛ω与牺牲。随着贩毒集团不同“广场”之间的摩擦加剧,费利□ 斯对局势的掌控也随之减弱。同时,贩毒集团手上的△血债(缉毒局探员奇奇·卡马雷▂纳之死)和腐败的政治家在墨西哥引发了一系列因果报应。由坚定的缉毒局探员沃尔特·布列斯卐林领导的“莱茵达行动”并不总是按常规出牌,且矛头直指█费利斯·加拉多和他的心腹,进一步导致了贩毒集团的不稳定▼和动荡。


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