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                类型: 恐怖
                导演: Chadd Harbold




                  Kathryn, a struggling actress and unfulfilled housewife, becomes involved with her new gardener, Ben. As he gives her the attention and sensitivity she craves, they start to fall for each other. But Ben is not what he seems.


                • 外星秘族 8.0 外星秘族
                  1984 恐怖
                  简介:  玛汀,深深地眷爱着她的男友贝许,并为他偷运大量法郎出境,彼此约定二,三日内在贝许原工厂旧地相见……残破的厂房,带来了无限恐惧,空空荡荡,只有一只小猫伴着玛汀进入颤柔的梦境...... 溶溶通通,艳阳高照,玛汀与童年的自己相遇,并得到童年的自已相助与沉默的陌生人搏斗,然而,战胜陌生人,并没在解除现实的心痛,哪怕是心中之魔也会为生命注入依靠,醒来的玛汀,面对的却是贝许的枪口……
                • 血染的舞鞋 9.0 血染的舞鞋
                  1984 恐怖
                  简介:  在纽约,看似平静的舞蹈学校其实暗潮汹涌。好色的校长,漂亮的女老师,还有一群青春懵懂的追梦青年,永远不会让这个世界消停。在大家浑浑噩噩的同时,一个变态杀手出现在校园里。漂亮的女学生一个接一』个的被杀。恐怖弥漫在校园内外挥之不去...
                • 阴魂咆哮 2.0 阴魂咆哮
                  2001 恐怖
                  简介:  70年代,传奇人物吉米·邦兹尽职尽责地守护着一个居民区的安全。在他的蔽︽护下,小区内一片安宁祥和,人们对这位举止沉稳、相貌不凡的“守护神”尊崇备至。可是,邪恶无时无刻不在觊觎着这片净土。邦兹万万没有料到,与他最亲密的友人正打算在小区内大做毒品交易。由于拒绝同这伙人合作,邦兹遭到他们的背叛与杀害。  斗转星移,日月如梭。20多年后的今天,昔日的小区在犯罪和毒品的摧折下满目疮痍。在人们的记忆里,吉米·邦兹已成为一个令人敬畏的传奇人物和象征美好时代的神灵。他生前那所富丽堂皇的住宅——他的葬身之处——依然屹立,然而※已空无一人、凋敝不堪。而且房子里经常闹鬼,那些贸然闯入的人们往往一去不回,再也没见他们出卐来。  也许是命中注定,背叛邦兹的朋友之一耶利米的儿子们雄心勃勃的回到小区,买下邦兹的那所哥特式建筑,打算开一家夜总会。然而,埋葬在地下室内的邦兹依然阴魂未散,多年来,这含冤之鬼一直盘踞在这座阴森、空阔的楼房里,寻找复仇的机会。兄弟俩对此一无所知,他们兴高采烈、迫不急待地搬进这所阴森的鬼屋,一心想着将它装修一新后开张大吉。  刚一跨进门槛,一连窜匪夷所思、令人毛骨悚然事件接踵而来。不久,这伙惊魂未定的年轻人才回过神来:吉米·邦兹的鬼魂正在追寻、报复那些背叛过他的人。  然而,邦兹阴魂的出动并非完全在于复仇,他依然念念不忘忠贞不渝的妻子珀尔以及他死后才出生的女儿辛西娅......
                • 真心话大冒险2017 10.0 真心话大冒险2017
                  2017 恐怖
                  简介:  Eight college friends head to a &quot;Haunted Rental&quot; for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.
                • 奥利维娅 8.0 奥利维娅
                  1983 恐怖
                  简介:  位在伦敦的美国工程师正在帮助拆除伦敦大桥,准备运往亚利桑那州,他与一位年轻的英国人结识了女♂人。几年后,他碰巧在大桥的新位置,又见到了那个女人,但这次她是那里的房地产经纪人,没有工作英国口音,不认识他。
                • 巴斯克维尔】的猎犬1939 6.0 巴斯克维尔的猎犬1939
                  1939 恐怖
                  简介:  Sir Charles Baskerville dies at the entrance of his manor, and Doctor Mortimer says he died of natural causes. However, when telling Sherlock Holmes of the case, he feels Sir Charles&#39; death was a result of a centuries old curse that runs in the Baskerville family, which Dr. Mortimer feels will strike at Sir Charles nephew, Sir Henry, who is arriving to claim the Baskerville estate. Holmes sends Dr. Watson in his place, along with Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry, to the manor and for Watson to keep an eye out for any suspicious actions. Immediately after arriving, Watson notices the queer occurrences at the estate and surrounding moors, and sends Holmes reports of what is going on concerning the life of Sir Henry. Will Holmes arrive in time to unravel the mystery, and who is responsible for Sir Charles&#39; death and the attempted murder of Sir Henry? Is it Dr. Mortimer, neighbor Stapleton, butler Barryman, harmless old Frankland, a mysterious wild man, or is there a curse on the Baskerville family? Very good opening entry in the Rathbone-Bruce Holmes series (even though this film lacks qualities of any ongoing entries.) The film could have been a bit more darker and foreboding (the film does have a movie studio set feel) and have an ending with a little more confrontation to it, but it does provide for much fun. The romantic scenes with Greene and Barrie have little spark, but there are very good red herring performances by the cast, which is a plus for this movie. Rating, 8.


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