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                类型: 剧情
                导演: Takeshi Sone




                Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Hana is actually her older sister and asked her to tell the tr...


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                  1936 剧情
                • 换尸疑云 2.0 换尸疑云
                  1947 剧情
                  简介:主人公拉里(罗伯特·杨 Robert Young 饰)一直背着自己的妻子,与情人珍妮丝(苏珊·海沃德 Susan Hayward 饰)保持秘密恋情△。拉里渴望与珍妮丝私奔,但他的计︼划被妻子的不可思议之举挫败。妻子以买下一家公司的股权的方式,巧妙地∩迫使拉里留在婚姻中。   拉里在新的公司里遇到了美丽、富有魅力的弗娜,两人迅速坠入爱河,这让拉里的感情纠葛更加复杂。拉里的妻子采取了激烈的ζ行动,购买了一个偏→远的山上农场,试图与他隔◥离,从而使拉里的婚姻问题愈发复杂化。最后,拉里Ψ和弗娜决定私奔,但命运却为他们铺设了一条凄美的道路。一场突如其来的车祸导致弗娜在一场可怕的火灾中丧生,而拉里则幸免∑于难。为了骗取妻子的金钱,拉里不得不将弗娜的尸体◣误认为是妻子,这一决定深陷他于自己所挖掘的道德深渊。
                • 换爱↓四人行 9.0 换爱四人行
                  2021 剧情
                  简介:Maria (Paula Kalenberg), Nils (Jonas Nay), Janina (Nilam Farooq) und Ben (Louis Nitsche) erfordert starke Nerven: Vier Wochen lang tauchen die zwei befreundeten und von pers?nlichen Krisen geplagten Paare ihre Partner untereinander. Die einzige Regel in der Zeit ist dabei eindeutig formuliert: Alles ist erlaubt, au?er Geschlechtsverkehr. Natürlich bleibt das Ganze nicht ohne Fo...
                • 捷京谍影 9.0 捷京谍影
                  1964 剧情
                  简介:Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he&#39;s got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeuse on arrival behind the Iron Curtain, Comrade Simonova, is herself a Czech agent. Just as well she&#39;s immediately attracted to 007&#39;s unwitting replacement.
                • 排演之后 3.0 排演之后
                  1984 剧情
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                  2015 剧情
                  简介:It&#39;s a love story about a husband and wife, played by Jake Johnson and Rosemarie DeWitt. It&#39;s about the pleasures and pains of building a family with someone, and maintaining the excitement of a relationship over a long period of time.


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