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                类型: 剧情
                导演: 亚特




                出品、摄制单位:北京永利祥 禾文化传播有限公司   许可证号电审故字【2侧刀] 第204号   声音制式5.1 幅别16:9 片长91分钟   编剧冯永利   导演亚特   摄形思国义   制片冯永利   主要演员逮长恩商子见胡婷   主要内容 刑满释放的老洪通过片警小张在 社区找了份打扫卫生的工作。工作期 间,诚实肯干的老洪逐渐打消了小区 居民的猜疑,获得信任,与小张也结 下了深厚的友谊。在大家的帮助下, 老洪找到了失散ζ 二十年的女儿,但女 儿不能原谅犯过◥罪的父亲▆,当老洪帮 助小张成功破获了一起盗窃案之后, 终于得到女儿的谅解。


                • 不知①者有罪 5.0 不知者有罪
                  2024 剧情
                  简介:  一家少女收容所试图掩盖○令人痛心的虐待罪行,这名步履维艰的记者锲而不舍地展开调查。
                • 正欲 2.0 正欲
                  2023 剧情
                  简介:日本ζ 導演岸善幸新作《(非)一般慾望》,改編〈聽說桐島〖退社了〉暢銷作家朝井遼的小說〈正欲〉。以多線敘事描述討厭社交的上班族男子、年◇過三十的單身女子、經營影音頻道的小學男孩,對異性恐懼的女大生和獨來獨往的男舞者,彼☆此看似無關,卻各自有著社會所不容的◆特殊癖好。稻垣吾郎、新垣結衣以精湛演技揭開社會的①偽善,解構日本社會保守價∩值觀之餘,更大膽提出︾質疑,如何定▅義常態和病態?少數族群真能見容於主♂流價值之中?
                • 某星球的ぷ散文 7.0 某星球的散文
                  2022 剧情
                  简介:  脚本家を目指すルイは海外に行っている映画監督の恋人アツシの帰りを待っている。スカイプ越しに会話を交わす2人は新しい生活への計画に胸を躍らせる。一方、メイコは精神疾患によって舞台俳優の活動を離れカフェで働いていた。そこへ急に兄のマコトがやってくるが…。人生の岐路に立つ女性2人が織りなすささやかな物語。
                • 彼方之歌 4.0 彼方之歌
                  2023 剧情
                  简介:  Haru, a bookstore clerk, talks to Yukiko pretending to ask for directions. Haru has detected deep sorrow on Yukiko?s face. Meanwhile, Haru has been spending days following Tsuyoshi discretely and checking his expressions. In the past, when Haru had lost her mother as a junior high school student, she met and talked separately to Yukiko and Tsuyoshi by chance who seemed to suffer from heartache. The action was brought by the remorse that Haru couldn?t help her mother while knowing her sadness. Haru has kept watching Yukiko and Tsuyoshi now and then. Occasions that Tsuyoshi, who has been aware of Haru?s behavior, appears at her workplace and Haru once again talks to Yukiko unfold new dimensions in each relationship. Haru confronts with her own feeling toward her mother and grief during the days passing with the two.
                • 边缘1968 3.0 边缘1968
                  1968 剧情
                  简介:  &quot;A troubled antiwar activist plans to assassinate the President of the United States. His resolve forces others in a fragmented and disillusioned group of political allies to face the threat of government counterintelligence and the temptations of middle-age security, and to reexamine their commitment to radical action.&quot;
                • 最后的受害者々 4.0 最后的受害者
                  2024 剧情
                  简介:A private investigator is forced into a dangerous alliance with a killer. They will try to uncover a quiet town's grisly criminal underbelly and clear the name of her mentor, who is implicated in the crimes.


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