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                类型: 爱情
                导演: 薛群






                • 月宫宝盒 10.0 月宫宝盒
                  1924 爱情
                  简介:  To win the hand of the caliph of Bagdad’s daughter (played by Julanne Johnston), a thief (Fairbanks) embarks on a dangerous and mystical journey to secure the most desirable treasure imaginable.  The film was a popular success, and Fairbanks made women swoon as one of the screen’s first superstars. Known for his dashing demeanour and incredible stunts, Fairbanks, who would also routinely contribute to the scripts of his films under the pseudonym Elton Thomas, actually created the story for this version of The Thief of Bagdad and included types of special effects and production design never previously seen by audiences. The film was remade several times, of which the most notable is the 1940 British film directed by Ludwig Berger, Michael Powell, and Tim Whelan.
                • 朝阳沟 9.0 朝阳沟
                  1963 爱情
                  简介:  城市姑娘银环(魏云 饰)和农村〖青年栓保(王善朴 饰)是高中同学, 在学习和生活中相互产生爱慕之情,两∩人相约高中毕业后到栓保的家乡朝阳沟参加农村社会主义建设。毕业了,栓保先行回到农村。但银环妈(杨华瑞 饰)却坚决反对女儿◣去农村,银☆环却铁了心要到农村参加农业生产。银环来到朝阳沟后,栓保娘(高洁 饰)和妹妹巧真(高颂喜 饰)把银环当做自己的儿媳①和嫂嫂对待。但城市长大的银环对农村的劳动还是产生了动摇。此时,银环妈追到朝阳沟要女儿跟自己回去,银环感到左右为难。但在栓保♂的鼓励下,加上村里老支书(朱义 饰)又出面做银环妈的工作,使银环妈和银环的思想产生很大波动。是走,是留......
                • 匆匆那年 3.0 匆匆那年
                  2014 爱情
                  简介:  时光流转,曾经美好的青春时代有如一场不真实的梦。她充满躁动↙↙、喜悦、悲伤与愤慨,她是远离着社会现实尔虞我诈的青春懵懂,傻了傻气的纯真涂抹下最为亮丽耀眼的色彩。而今回首往事,即使如梦般虚¤幻,却又让人唏嘘不已,感慨万千。只因偶然◤的机缘,早已过了而立◤之年的陈寻(彭于晏 饰)回想起那个曾经呼喊过千遍万遍的名字。遥远的学生时代,陈寻与让他心动的女孩方茴(倪妮 饰),以及乔燃(魏晨 饰)、林嘉茉(张子萱 饰)、赵烨(郑恺 饰)等一般死□党行走在尘土飞扬的校园里。友情、爱情在诸多禁忌的年代里如野草般自由疯长,曾经那是他们所坚守笃定的一切,而这些①又都被碾压得支离不堪。许下的□ 誓言你还记得吗?  本片根据九夜茴的同名小说改编。
                • 耳语 7.0 耳语
                  1996 爱情
                  简介:  Tired of country life, Anna leaves military school and her home to live in exciting Prague where she finds herself confused by the behavior of her hip new friends. Irma is despondent over her latest break-up. Speedy is always high, but his brother Filip seems normal enough and Anna takes a shine to him. She does not realize that Filip is gay and involved with his roommate Kytka, who earns a living hustling middle-aged men. The circle of friends remains close knit until the night in which Filip decides to sleep with Anna. Kytka becomes insanely jealous and this causes tragedy before the story reaches its fantastical, upbeat conclusion. This romantic comedy was among the Czech Republic&#39;s biggest hits of 1996.  ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
                • 红牡丹 8.0 红牡丹
                  1980 爱情
                  简介:  江湖戏班的皇甫义(孙树林 饰)有一天在街上看到自卖自身的◣王莲(刘晶 饰),出钱将其买下,赵大爷(高保成 饰)不忍失去王莲,也随王莲进戏班当马夫。十年过去了,王莲出落成色艺双绝的马戏班台柱子,艺名红牡丹(姜黎黎 饰)。十年来,她和同班师兄妹『为皇甫义挣尽了血汗钱。他们在香港演出时,引起有志之士的注意,建议他们为抗战义演募捐,皇甫⌒ 义不同意。财阀张德仁(张逸生 饰)看上红牡丹,红牡丹不从,并将兽性大发的张德仁痛打一顿。张德仁在一次演出中杀害了九月菊(赵凤霞 饰),红牡丹策马踢翻了张德仁的看台。最后,戏班在好心人的帮助下ㄨ逃回内地。人财两空的皇甫义,为了将摇钱树红牡丹永远控制在手,竟想霸占红牡丹为妾,皇甫义做梦都没想到,他想霸占的红牡丹竟是他多年前抛下的亲生女儿......
                • 埋伏2011 10.0 埋伏2011
                  2011 爱情
                  简介:  28岁的洪哲是个潇洒帅气风流倜傥的公子哥,一个偶然的机会他认识了地下党员百合,但他并不知道百合的真实身份。在百合的帮助下,洪哲顺利与富商蒋震霆的大女儿蒋可馨成婚,于是百合要洪哲帮自己完成一项任务---从岳父蒋震霆那偷取一份重要的情报。随着交往的深入◤,洪哲知道了百合的身份,并且也知道了那份情报的重要性。  洪哲的妻子蒋可馨表面上刁蛮任性但心地善■良,十分爱洪哲,也十分爱自己的父亲,当她知道了丈夫所要完成的任务和父亲的真实身份后十分痛苦,她周旋于父亲和∑丈夫之间,一次次的帮洪哲化险为夷。最后在民族大义面前,她做出了正确的选择。  那么,洪哲是如何完成任务的?蒋震霆的真实身份是什么?


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