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                类型: 美国




                聚焦美国第一个白手起家的黑人女性百万富翁、一百年前的美容美发△业大亨C·J·沃克。她是奴隶之女,7岁成为孤儿,14岁结婚,20岁守寡,当了20年的洗衣女工。过程中她发明了一种革命性的洗发产品,适合黑人女性发质,并※以此建立起了为黑人女性提供美容、健康产品的产业帝国。   该剧将展现她如何克服社会、混乱的家庭和混◣乱等困难因素,从一穷二白到建起产业。改编自沃克的曾曾孙女A&#39;Lelia Bundles所著书籍《On Our Own Ground》,Bundles也将出任剧集顾问。卡斯·莱蒙斯(《黑暗的降生》《卢克·凯奇》)执导首集并制片,Nicole Asher编写剧本,共有8集。


                • 新贵ω 第二季 1.0 新贵∞第二季
                  2017 美国
                  简介:Will is desperate to make a good impression with the College of Heralds so that he can finally get a coat of arms. Befriending a dashing African prince by the name of Otello may provide Will with the means to climb the social ladder.
                • 新贵第三①季 4.0 新贵第三季
                  2018 美国
                  简介:Will needs inspiration for his new play A Midsummer Night&#39;s Dream. Meanwhile, how can he get hold of m.ysgou.ccsome love potion, and where is Bottom going to put that stuffed donkey head?
                • 新费雪小姐探」案集第一季 5.0 新费雪小姐探案集第一季
                  2019 美国
                  简介:Set in swinging &#39;60s Melbourne, the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when the famous aunt she never knew, Phryne Fisher, goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea. Peregrine sets out to become a world-class private detective in her own right with the unerring guidance of The Adventuresses&#39; Club, a group of exceptional women of which her celebrated au...
                • 新飞越比佛利第一季 4.0 新飞越比佛利第一季
                  2008 美国
                  简介:新学期开始前,一辆私家车①载着Wilson一家从堪萨斯的小镇去往奢华的比佛利山。Annie(施蕾·葛莱姆斯 Shenae Grimes 饰)和自幼被收养的黑人哥哥Dixon(特里斯坦·瓦尔德斯 Tristan Wilds 饰)对新家与新学校都有着憧憬又有点担心,此次父亲Harry(罗伯·艾斯特斯 Rob Estes 饰)一来是为了照顾昔日好莱坞明星、行事语言夸张的母亲Tabitha、二来是担任子女们周一就要上课的学校新校长。他对子女的严格管教与母亲对孙儿及时行乐享受青春的影响恰成对比。   新学期正式开始,Annie和Dixon和其他新生一样,因为父亲的身份特殊,遭遇同学的嘲笑和故意的捉弄,但阳光的Annie用自己的善良和笑容慢慢赢得了※朋友的真心,而Dixon则为了自己的球队梦想而努力。在洛杉矶,在比佛利,这群青春新鲜人自由肆意地活出自己的生活和风格。
                • 新飞越比佛利第二▼季 3.0 新飞越比佛利第二季
                  2009 美国
                  简介:It was reported that in season 2, Dixon and Silver&#39;s relationship will suffer due to two new characters, Sasha, an African-American woman who pursues Dixon, and Teddy, a tennis champ who pursues Silver and later Adrianna. Annie will also go through hard times and feel isolated from the group, Dixon will abandon her because he gets &quot;sick of her drama&quot; when nude photos of her sur...
                • 新飞越比佛利第三季 4.0 新飞越比佛利第三季
                  2010 美国
                  简介:The third season will welcome the West Beverly kids to their senior year of high school. It will be the time of college acceptances and lovers’ rejections. The time of prom dates and promises betrayed. The time of spring break,break-ups, and make-ups. &nbsp;This will all happen in a world of sun and fun,palm trees, and warm sea breezes,success, and excess. From the very beginning of...


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