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                类型: 喜剧
                导演: 左颂升 元奎




                本片是《新精武门》的续集。牛皮(陈百祥 饰)为刘晶(周星驰 饰)在擂台上的英姿折服,自此苦缠拜师,却引起小敏(张敏 饰)对刘晶误会。刘晶获得的巨额奖金被师父们全部输光,更卷入了潇洒(钟镇涛 饰)与一女孩的纠葛,小敏对他的误会也日益加深,刘晶运气〒一时衰到了极点。   阿威之大哥横刀(元华 饰)为替弟报仇,将刘晶的神力右手打残,幸有牛皮之姑牛牡丹(萧芳芳 饰)危急关头蒙面救走刘晶。于是刘晶在牛家休◆养,邂逅和小敏相貌一样的牛皮表妹——婉君(张敏 饰),不久横刀找上门来,将牛皮与婉君掳走,牛牡丹为保住牛家血脉,只得将牛『家祖传的“电角神拳”传授于刘晶……


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                  简介:  April has spent the last two years of high school in a relationship with Nick—from first frantic make-out session to final tear-stained breakup. In the aimless summer between graduation and college, the newly single April mends her heartbreak by striking up an unexpected friendship with an unlikely candidate: Nick’s new girlfriend, Clara.  在高中最后两年时光里,April和同学Nick谈了场⊙轰轰烈烈的恋爱,然后他们突然分手了。在大学开始前这个无所事事的夏天,April认识了一位新的朋友,Clara,借此来抚慰她受伤的心灵。可万万没想到的是,这个新的朋友,正是Nick新交的女朋◇友。
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                  简介:  Nick Pearson is a life-long bachelor who is finally settling down. On the brink of his wedding he is surprised to find he has a 13 year old son who has come to find his him through the help of a psychic. The problem is Nick can&#39;t stand kids and would happily send the boy back to live with his biological mother, except that no one has any clue who that might be. Having nowhere to turn Nick must hit the road with the boy and the neurotic, inept psychic to track down dozens of his disgraced ex-flings to whom he must ask the awkward question - with very mixed results.
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                  简介:  阿齐¤兹深陷中年危机,但他却假装一切正常,试图从枯燥的工作◣、孤独☆的朋友和吵闹的家庭中寻求慰藉。
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                  简介:  故事讲述迈】尔斯把生命耗在了毫无前途的工作上,然而他的生ξ活却因意外发现的黑暗网站而有所改变。
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