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                类型: 爱情
                导演: Tanya Hamilton




                  In the summer of ’76, as President Jimmy Carter pledges to give government back to the people, tensions run high in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood where the Black Panthers once flourished. When Marcus returns—having bolted years earlier—his homecoming isn’t exactly met with fanfare. His former movement brothers blame him for an unspeakable betrayal. Only his best friend’s widow, Patricia, appreciates Marcus’s predicament, which both unites and paralyzes them. As Patricia’s daughter compels the two comrades to confront their past, history repeats itself in dangerous ways.  Night Catches Us masterfully reckons with the complexity of its characters’ revolutionary ideologies and internal desires. Bell-bottoms, Afros, potlucks, and Caddies set the scene as the film potently interweaves political media with an evocative soul-inspired score, summoning a vivid sense of place and time. The golden light that bathes characters’ faces seems to express the promise—and elusiveness—of the necessary change Marcus and Patricia struggle for so dearly—each by separate means.


                • 双重追击 6.0 双重追击
                  2010 爱情
                • 双世白蛇 8.0 双世白蛇
                  2018 爱情
                  简介:故事背景是远古神话中的创世神伏羲、女娲以及天帝之间发生的故事因为天师(鲲鹏)的挑唆,天帝▆与伏羲互生嫌隙。使用轩辕剑将伏羲与女娲重伤,二人双双转世。女娲抛下伏羲琴与女娲石交给自己的ㄨ宠物子青(青蛇)。转世到现代的伏羲是一个没钱没权的底层人物,名叫许小□ 明。在现代生活不如意的他,机缘巧合穿越到了白素素(女娲转世)所在的小镇---千华古村。不小心误入花◎寨的女更衣室,随机应变的他值得跟着舞女一同戴上面具跳舞,因此也被困在花寨中。爱上了白素素,结识了子青(青蛇)、赵铃儿(女娲石化作人型卐)。
                • 史密斯夫妇2005 1.0 史密斯夫妇2005
                  2005 爱情
                • 十六支蜡烛 5.0 十六支蜡烛
                  1984 爱情
                  简介:Samantha&#39;s life is going downhill fast. The fifteen-year-old has a crush on the most popular boy in school, and the geekiest boy in school has a crush on her. Her sister&#39;s getting married, and with all the excitement the rest of her family forgets her birthday! Add all this to a pair of horrendously embarrassing grandparents, a foreign exchange student named Long Duc Dong, and ...
                • 深海寻人 4.0 深海寻人
                  2008 爱情
                  简介:在每一个城市,深受精神困扰的人在100个里就占9个。精神■科医生高静(李心洁 饰)在工作中凡事以病〓人的健康为重,深得同事喜欢。在书店她与一名男子擦身而过,男子买下她想买的摄影书,高静感觉有些奇妙。   小凯(梁洛施 饰)是高静的病人,从外地休假回来后带高静参△加一个摄影展,高静意外地发现摄影中的正是潜水的自己,更意外的,摄影师正是那天在书店遇见的男子,也是小凯的哥哥——考古学家陈国栋(郭晓冬 饰)。国栋将那天买下的书送给高静,二人从此堕入爱河。   为了向高静求婚,国栋和高静、小凯前往与那国岛,潜入海底深处找出藏在那里的钻戒。谁知国栋出事了,只打捞起一具无头的男尸。高静由于太过悲痛而失去了关于那件意外的记忆,小凯对自己态度异常冷淡,高静寻求院长(梁家辉 饰)给自己做催眠,然而催眠之后幻觉更多。
                • 上空女孩 6.0 上空女孩
                  2008 爱情
                  简介:活泼直率的夏子↘(清水美那 饰)就读于东京某所大学,她与在图书馆工作的女孩朋美(奥田恵梨華 饰)相识十年之Ψ 久,两人更是一对同性恋人。迫于现实的压力,朋美最终提出分手,转而与公司白领小林健太(河合龍之介 饰),这令夏子分外失落。与夏子同租房子的光司(坂本爽 饰)十分喜欢这个活泼的女孩,然而却没有勇气表白,两个人更像嬉闹无羁的好哥们。某天,夏子路逢美丽的女孩加奈(大政絢 饰),加奈的母亲早年抛弃家庭与同性情人私奔,她一心希望找到母亲。夏子和光司义不容辞决定帮她一同寻找。   与此同时,朋美接受了健太的求婚,与夏子分道扬镳,而夏子和光司的关系也变得微妙起来……


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