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                类型: 欧美




                Kevin, a charismatic skater, decides to steal the plan of a dangerous gang to rob seven million dollars from the airport and give his girlfriend Génesis, the life she deserves. The rest of the team consists of Pantera, Mística and Panda, who join this adventure.


                • 酷儿第二季 1.0 酷儿第二季
                  2018 美国
                  简介:Just when Harper is ready to live the best phase of her lesbian life, the tables turn when her mother unexpectedly comes out as queer.
                • 酷妹辣︼皇后 3.0 酷妹◤辣皇后ぷ
                  2020 美国
                  简介:鲁保罗饰演的红宝石是一个超有性格,但不太▆走运的变装皇后。为了弥补最近被偷的积蓄,她开着一辆上世纪九十年代的破旧厢式货车在〒美国的俱乐部之间穿梭。她和 10 岁的白人女孩 AJ 搭档同行,AJ 是一位偷乘者,说话强硬、脾气暴躁,不久前刚刚变成孤儿。这一高一矮两个不合群的身影来往于各个城市之间,宝石的爱与包容最终感动了人们,也为他们的生活增添了点滴幸福。这部有趣、别具一格的剧集@探讨了家庭、友谊、爱和失去的意义。宝石和 AJ 穿梭在美国的各个地方,寻找小小的幸福,还有最棒的早餐华█夫饼,帮助彼此走出伤心往事、迎接面前挑战并期待崭新未来。鲁保罗出演过《沙漠妖姬》《与天使有约》。对了,鲁保罗在每个变装酒吧中都将献上一场艳惊四座的音乐表演。
                • 来巴黎找我第一季 8.0 来巴黎找我第一季
                  2018 美国
                  简介:A young ballet dancer from 1905 is transported into the 21st century with the power of a magical necklace. qiwan.cc While her boyfriend looks for a way to bring her back, she must find a way to fit in and dodge the sinister time agents.
                • 来♀巴黎找我第二季 4.0 来巴黎找我第二季
                  2019 美国
                  简介:Lena faces her destiny as she tries to pin down where she really belongs: in 1905 or 2019? With Henri or Max? Becoming an étoile one day or choosing a hip-hop career? Find Me in Paris Season 2 premieres August 16.
                • 来巴黎找我第三季 4.0 来巴黎找我第三季
                • 来自未来的故事 9.0 来自未来的故事
                  2010 美国
                  简介:Six-part retrospective on the making of Back to the Future.


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