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                类型: 恐怖
                导演: Georges Padey




                During a visit to friends, Sara begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend's swimming pool; she soon discovers that anyone who comes into contact with the water is in danger and she is driven to confront the mystical and malevolent creature lurking in the depths.


                • 美杜莎2021 5.0 美杜莎2021
                  2021 恐怖
                  简介:  我們︾的宗教就是你的宗教!不信我們的宗教就訓你!一群年輕女性∏,信奉容貌就該乾淨,舉止就該端莊◤婉約,交友就該純潔自愛。她們深信耶穌和△傳統教條,殷切等待某日走進家庭婚姻;夜幕降臨,她們卻在城№市裡襲擊她們眼中行為不檢點的單身女子,處以私刑一陣毒打【,要求在鏡頭前懺悔,甚至傳網公審。  女子之一的瑪麗↑雅,在某次夜晚行動中傷到無暇的臉龐,留下傷疤,心中堅若磐石的信仰也逐漸崩解;得不到的永遠在騷動,她開始質疑自己的信仰,想起傳言⊙中她們教訓過的一位女子,近乎毀容的臉龐。瑪麗雅精神上逐漸和那樣宛若梅杜莎的ㄨ面容疊合??面對社會沈重的期待、宗教窒息式的束♀縛,終於大聲吼叫出來!
                • 蚁王杀机 2.0 蚁王杀机
                  2003 恐怖
                  简介:  Stuart Gordon, considered a master of the horror genre thanks to classics like Re-Animator and Dagon, decides to do a different move in this strange trip to human morals.    &quot;King of the Ants&quot; is about a regular guy, Sean Crawley(newcomer Chris McKenna), a man without any aspiration who just live in his apartment doing the necessary job to live to the next day. In one of his jobs he meets Duke(Gearge Wendt), who introduces Sean to his boss, Ray Matthews(played by Daniel Baldwin). Ray hires Sean as a spy, and orders him to follow Eric Gatlin(Roy Livingstone), an accountant who has been investigating Ray&#39;s company. Problems start when Ray, while drunk, orders Sean to kill Eric. And he does it. Things go wrong when Ray decides to make Sean disappear destroying his mind with violent punishment and humiliation.    From the point where Sean kills Eric, we go in the same boat with him, as he goes through a downward spiral of human degradation, traveling from guilt, to confusion and finally to his rebirth, in a state where humanity, morals and values are not important anymore. Chris McKenna acting is very important because he manages to be likable even when he is part of gruesome acts, both as victim and/or criminal. He has that look of innocence that hides a dark side and he manages to carry the film.    The support cast also includes Kari Wuhrer, as Eric&#39;s widow who also becomes a central part of Sean&#39;s trip to hell. She gives a fine performance, although it&#39;s obvious that Sean is the main character. He is the most developed of all and McKenna&#39;s performance is up to the challenge.    The film has very disturbing images of violence, and while it may not be as graphic as &quot;Kill Bill&quot; for example, the strength of the violence is in the lack of humanity that the character manifest. He is more than an ant in this world. He is the king.    Stuart Gordon has managed to create a film that, while maybe it&#39;s not one of his best efforts; it&#39;s very well done, has a VERY interesting story to tell, and manages to capture the attention every second of it.
                • 见鬼女孩 8.0 见鬼女孩
                  2022 恐怖
                  简介:  Followed by Darby Harper, who is granted the ability to see ghosts after suffering a near death experience in her childhood. Then, she runs a side business counseling local spirits in her spare time.
                • 茜茜2022 3.0 茜茜2022
                  2022 恐怖
                  简介:  Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
                • 鬼同你住 7.0 鬼同你住
                  2021 恐怖
                  简介:  到底無屋住恐ぷ怖,定係間屋有鬼恐怖?地產經〗紀阿源(黃又南 飾)為了豐厚佣金,明知樓@ 盤是凶宅卻仍落力游說睇樓客上車, 怎料反被高佬鬼(車保羅 飾)纏上;4姊妹(魏秋樺、文雪兒、麥家琪、李麗珍 飾)為了阿媽(邵音音 飾)棟別墅,日日圍著病床前期盼她早日歸西,面對這班「孝女」,好難死得瞑目;阿祥(太保 飾)扭盡六壬,千方百計將自己層唐ω樓改裝成10多間劏房出租謀利, 但小鬼強仔老是常出♂現大搞破壞… 最草根的金像導演陳果,再次道→盡香港人心聲,以嬉笑怒罵的猛鬼凶宅,寫下香港樓價貴到唔係▲「人」住的怪奇物語。
                • 水蛭 7.0 水蛭
                  2022 恐怖
                  简介:  A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.


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