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                类型: 恐怖
                导演: Frank Satenstein




                The Kramdens &amp; Nortons 15 years after the depression still struggle to make ends meet. Ralph &amp; Alice marry following his acquiring a job as a bus driver. Ed Norton, a sewer worker, and wife Trixie live above the Kramdens. The stories depict the sincere attempts of two men attempting to better their lives, and the ensuing frustrations when their schemes to strike it rich inevita...


                • 真实魔鬼游戏2008 7.0 真实魔鬼游戏2008
                  2008 恐怖
                  简介:  高中生佐藤翼(石田卓也 饰)的生活一团糟,母亲早年去世,妹妹小爱(谷村美月 饰)自出生起便如木头人一般毫无知觉,而同年好友佐藤洋(大东俊介 饰)又对他反目成仇,暴力相向。与此同时,国内不断有姓佐藤的人因各种原因死亡,似乎他的生命也正受到威胁。  在某次冲突中,翼在众人面前离奇消失,睁开眼〖却发现自己处于一个平行的世界。在这里,日本变成一个君主专制的国家,拥有至高无上权力的国王出于某种目的针对姓佐藤的人展开为期一周的捉迷藏游戏。佐藤们在游戏时间内必须全力逃跑,躲开鬼的追逐,一旦被抓住就只有死路一条……  本片根据山田悠介的小说改编。
                • 香港奇案之雾夜屠夫 4.0 香港奇案之雾夜屠夫
                  1991 恐怖
                  简介:  数月之内,接二连三的发生夜归妇女失踪案件,她们之中有妓女、学生等。没人知道她们已经被杀,尸体遭肢解,性器官被割下,甚至被人拍下照片欣赏。也许,她们登上的士时,还未发现英俊的司机№李得仁会是女之屠夫。
                • 虽然只是弄丢了手机2018 3.0 虽然只是弄丢了手机2018
                  2018 恐怖
                  简介:  北川景子将主演同名小说改编的电影《虽然只是弄丢了手机》,由中田秀夫(《午夜凶铃》)执导,大石哲也(《去年冬天与你分手》)编剧。  故事围绕主人公稻叶麻美展开——因男友弄丢了手机,麻美开始收到不明信用卡的支付信息,社交媒体上的信息也随之流出,而自己也被卷入意料之外的骚动中。同时,在偏远的深山里开始陆续出现年轻女性的尸体,连续杀人事件的搜查也即将开始…
                • 北方的桥 2.0 北方的桥
                  1981 恐怖
                  简介:  In this unreal walk through the streets of Paris, Marie (Bulle Ogier), a woman convicted of robbing a bank is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste (Pascale Ogier) a young paranoid needing companionship, and the two team up for awhile. Marie&#39;s former boyfriend (Pierre Clementi) supplies them with a strange map of the city, suspicious because he keeps files on political figures that may be somehow linked to the map. A gangster nicknamed &quot;Max&quot; begins to track Marie and the already paranoid Baptiste, causing Marie to examine the map as though it held the clue to which sides of the city were &quot;safe&quot; and which were not. As the two women attempt to outsmart Max and unknown gangsters, they try to figure out the map - a task made all the more difficult by Baptiste&#39;s tendency to violent rushes of adrenaline and Marie&#39;s overworked imagination (a dragon at the North Bridge is a threat until Baptiste screams him down). Between the dragon and their own demons, Marie and Baptiste face frightening odds against coming out of this misadventure intact. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
                • 地狱宝贝 7.0 地狱宝贝
                  2013 恐怖
                  简介:  一对在孕期的夫妇Jack(罗伯·考德瑞 饰)和Vanessa(莱丝莉·比伯 饰)因为生活所迫,从原来的城市搬到了新奥尔良的一个小镇上,并意】外住进了这个小镇上闹鬼最厉害的房子。Jack夫妇刚№住进房子时非常开心,甚至已经规划好了未来的美好生活,可是这份喜悦并没有持续多久就被奇怪的邻↓居F&#39;resnel(科甘·迈克尔·基 饰)破坏了。他们也在之后见到了这个房子里的魔鬼,并开始寻求梵蒂冈的驱魔精英团队的帮助,希望可以摆脱恶魔。
                • 拉拉队员都死了 7.0 拉拉队员都死了
                  2013 恐怖
                  简介:  美国黑足高中,名叫麦蒂(Caitlin Stasey 饰)的女孩正为在校啦啦队担任队长的友人艾莉克丝(Felisha Cooper 饰)拍摄纪录片。艾莉克丝张扬跋扈,不可一世,与橄榄球队的明星球员特瑞(Tom Williamson 饰)打得火热,谁知她却在风光之顶惨死镜头前。在此之后,翠西(Brooke Butler 饰)接替艾莉克丝的位置站到了顶端,特瑞也成为她囊中之物。悲愤交加的决心摧毁特▂瑞他们这群贱人的毕业典礼,于是置办行头加入关系混乱的啦啦队,并和翠西越走越近,这让她另一位友人——举止怪异的莉娜(Sianoa Smit-McPhee 饰)颇为担忧。在某个狂欢之夜,一场似乎被诅咒的争执和意外发生。  莉娜试图用巫术救活麦蒂,只不过一切朝着更难以预测的方♀向发展……


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