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                类型: 恐怖
                导演: Padraig Reynolds






                • 电钻狂魔 9.0 电钻狂魔
                  1982 恐怖
                  简介:  Special Features  Audio Commentaries on Each Film  All-New Three-Part Documentary, Sleepless Nights: Revisiting The Slumber Party Massacres  Photo and Poster Still Gallery  Theatrical Trailers  Editorial Reviews  All Three Films In One Collection With New Bonus Features  When Trish (Michelle Michaels) decides to invite her high school girls basketball teammates over for a slumber party, she has no idea the night will be ruined by an escaped mental patient with a portable drill in the cult classic The Slumber Party Massacre.  The only sane survivor of the first incident, Courtney (Crystal Bernard), dreams of the driller killer returning in the first sequel, Slumber Party Massacre II. She cannot help shake the feeling that she and her friends will be viciously tormented by the killer. Her nightmare becomes reality when the killer returns, reincarnated as an evil rocker with a deadly guitar.  After a relaxing day at the beach, a group of teens decide to have a slumber party. Their boyfriends predictably show up to scare them, but there is something much scarier lurking in the shadows as the group starts getting attacked by an unknown killer in the second, and last, installment, Slumber Party Massacre III.
                • 活死人少女 10.0 活死人少女
                  1982 恐怖
                  简介:  女主角是殭屍中的异类,从⊙死里复活,却陷入永远的迷茫,年少时的女伙伴来相会,人鬼殊途,却延续了早已截断的情感,最後,悲剧以她对伙伴的一噬走进高潮。
                • 恐怖欢乐屋 4.0 恐怖欢乐屋
                  1981 恐怖
                  简介:  热闹的嘉年华来到平静沉闷的小镇,两对青年男女:艾米?哈勃(Elizabeth Berridge 饰)、巴兹?克莱蒙特(Cooper Huckabee 饰)、里奇?艾特伯雷(Miles Chapin 饰)和莉兹?杜肯(Largo Woodruff 饰)结伴前来玩耍。长夜将尽,年轻人兴致盎然,不愿离去。莉兹提议彻夜留在欢乐屋内,得到众人一致同意。  然而他们却在这里看见一个身材巨大、戴着科学怪人面具的恐怖杀手(Wayne Doba 饰)。随后他们更惹怒了欢乐屋的主人,一场针对这四个年轻◣人的杀戮旋即展开……
                • 魔1983 1.0 魔1983
                  1983 恐怖
                  简介:  黑道分子陈雄(高飞 饰)也是一名拳场高手,其弟与一名泰拳王交手,不辛被对方贱ω招暗算致残。陈雄本人也遇上了麻烦:大陆帮派将他诱入埋伏,幸而一红光幻象中的高僧出现,解了陈□ 雄之围。陈雄为了给亲弟报仇,远赴泰国与泰拳王约战,期间陈雄偶然经过一座寺院,恰似红光幻象中的情形。院方僧人竟然早知陈雄身份与来意,原来这里的清照大师(徐锦江 饰)收服了一名降头】师,召来其师傅的复仇,清照大师接近修成的金身被破,唯有与清照大师前世为孪生兄弟的陈雄有希望助大师完成金身,清除一众降头师。自此陈雄出家,苦修佛法,与多名降头师展开连串惊心动魄、超出凡人知识的斗法。
                • 热衷谋杀 5.0 热衷谋杀
                  1981 恐怖
                  简介:  Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother&#39;s for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress
                • 人皮灯笼1982 1.0 人皮灯笼1982
                  1982 恐怖
                  简介:  凤凰城内谭富(陈观泰 饰)与龙帅(刘永 饰)两人家资殷实,武林中也颇有名望,几①年来两家暗中互相较劲,不时∮在城中掀起波澜。一年一度的赛灯会临近,龙帅为胜过谭富寻访制灯名匠,经人指点发现名匠居然是◣七年前的仇人赵春方(罗烈 饰),当年龙、赵二人争夺美女金娘,赵春方不敌龙帅眼看金娘嫁为人妇,自己额头更被留下屈辱性的伤疤。  赵春方假意应承龙帅,暗地中却开始实施复仇计划。赵春方以骷髅√面具掩面掳走谭富亲妹,龙帅情人以及金娘,按照人皮灯笼的传说剥去这些女子的皮肤制灯。同时挑拨谭、龙两家关系借刀杀人,谭富忍无可忍对龙帅痛下杀手,二人赌命搏杀之际,终于明白遭人算计。龙帅次日在街上听到〗的无心之言,让赵春方的嫌疑愈发明显……


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