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                类型: 美国




                该剧讲述了阿迪达斯和彪马的创业故事。1922年,阿迪·达斯勒和鲁迪·达斯勒两兄弟说服了他们的父亲,把家族修鞋工厂进行了改造:从只做毡拖鞋和修鞋到开始尝试做运动鞋。两兄弟各尽所能,使工厂更好地发展起来。1936年的柏林奥运会上,奥运冠〖军杰西·欧文斯穿着达斯勒兄弟做的鞋□ 四度夺金,令他们离成功又近了一步。然ω 而冲突也逐渐酝酿,鲁迪的妻子和阿迪◆的妻子也因他们丈夫的矛盾时常●发生争执。1939年二战爆发,他ぷ们的工厂也遭到了巨大的考验。因为纳粹党的要求,他们开始制造武器。鲁迪和阿迪之间的矛盾越来越深……(小易甫字幕组)


                • 探长薇拉第一季 9.0 探长薇拉第一季
                  2011 美国
                  简介:The central character is Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope. Who is obsessive about her work and driven by her own demons. If she&#39;s lonely she doesn&#39;t show it and faces the world with caustic wit, guile and courage. Her trusted and long suffering colleague is Sergeant Joe Ashworth. Together they approach every new case with unparalleled gusto and professionalism.
                • 探长薇拉第二」季 8.0 探长薇拉㊣第二季
                  2012 美国
                  简介:《探长薇拉》改编自著名罪案小说家Ann Cleeves的小说,由Paul Rutman改编成剧本。布兰达·布莱斯饰】演探长薇拉(Vera),和《神探维兰▆德》中的Wallander一样,她也有各种属于自己的问题,死去父ω亲的阴影、孤独、体重⊙影响的疾病……但案子总是排在第一位的。在年轻帅气的警探∩Joe Ashworth(大卫·莱昂饰演)的协助下,两人共同破了许多案件,帮助□ 了许多受害者的家人伸张正义。
                • 探长薇拉第五季 9.0 探长薇拉第五季
                  2015 美国
                  简介:The indomitable DCI Vera Stanhope returns to face a number of daunting cases. Aided by troubled new recruit DS Aiden Healy (Kenny Doughty), they investigate a deadly blaze at a coastal caravan park, unearth a thirty-year-old mystery in an old mining community, delve into the tragic last months of a young man found floating in a farm slurry pit and uncover a life of secrets and ...
                • 探长薇拉第¤六季 6.0 探长薇拉第六季
                  2016 美国
                  简介:Set amid the wild beauty of the Northumberland landscape, DCI Vera Stanhope investigates chilling crimes only she can solve. The shambolic but perceptive detective does not make friends easily. Grumpy and often short-tempered, what Veralacks in charm she makes up for in wisdom and insight. In the sixth series, Vera and her team are called into action to tackle a number of chall...
                • 探长薇▲拉第七季 8.0 探长薇拉第七季
                  2017 美国
                  简介:Based on the bestselling Inspector Stanhope books by award-winning writer Ann Cleeves, Vera and her team are drawn into four more compelling mysteries, including the death of a wildlife ranger, left alone overnight on a remote and inaccessible island. Set around Newcastle and the stunning Northumberland countryside, Vera features complex and intriguing cases, atmospherically-sh...
                • 探长薇拉@第八季▼ 6.0 探长薇拉第八季
                  2018 美国
                  简介:The complete eighth series of the ITV crime thriller based on the novels by Ann Cleeves. The show follows Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope (Brenda Blethyn), Detective Sergeant Aiden Healy (Kenny Doughty) and their team as they carry out various murder investigations across Northumberland. The episodes are: &#39;Blood and Bone&#39;, &#39;Black Ice&#39;, &#39;Home&#39; and &#39;Darkwater&#39;.


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