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                类型: 喜剧




                唐(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)和妻子莫娜(凯瑟琳·海格尔 Katherine Heigl 饰)结婚多年,两人共同养育了两个可爱的孩子。在同事和朋友们眼中,唐拥有着楷模般的幸福生活,可实际上,只有唐自己知※道,莫娜是一个丧心病狂的控制狂和独裁者,自己生活中的点点滴滴,都在妻子的计划和控制之中。   唐的公司里新来了一位名叫达斯蒂(乔丹娜·布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)的性感女同事,禁不住对方的百般诱惑,唐和达斯蒂之间开始了一段不伦之恋。然而某日,达斯蒂告诉唐自己怀孕了,与此同时,墨菲(AJ·巴克利 A.J. Buckley 饰)和弗里曼(凯文·麦克基德 Kevin McKidd 饰)两个陌生男人找到了唐,以他的婚外情为把柄向唐敲诈一大笔钱。无奈之下,唐只得向莫娜坦白了自己的出轨。


                • 好莱坞洗牌 10.0 好莱坞洗牌
                  1987 喜剧
                  简介:  Bobby Taylor wants to be a respected actor. From Sam Spade to Shakespeare to superheros, he can do it all. He just has to convince Hollywood that gangstas, slaves and “Eddie Murphy-types” aren’t the sum of his talents.
                • 紧急盯梢令 1.0 紧急盯梢令
                  1987 喜剧
                  简介:  两名侦探观察了一名逃犯的前女友,但当其中一人爱上她时,情况就变得复杂起来。
                • 谋害老妈 5.0 谋害老妈
                  1987 喜剧
                  简介:  Novelist Larry Donner (Billy Crystal) struggles with writer&#39;s block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret (Kate Mulgrew), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift (Danny DeVito) is a timid, middle-aged man who still lives with his overbearing, abusive mother (Anne Ramsey). Owen fantasizes of killing his mother but can&#39;t summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry&#39;s community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers conspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry&#39;s public rant that he wish his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will respond by killing his mother.  He tracks Margaret down to Hawaii and follows her onto a cruise ship, apparently pushing her overboard while she tries to retrieve an earring that fell out. Owen returns from Hawaii to tell Larry of Margaret&#39;s death and that Larry now &quot;owes&quot; him the murder of his mother, lest he inform the police Larry was the killer. After having spent the night drinking alone during the hours of Margaret&#39;s disappearance, Larry panics because he lacks a sufficient alibi. That, along with a news report announcing the police suspect foul play, convinces Larry he&#39;s the prime suspect. He decides to stay with Owen and his mother in an attempt to hide from the police. Larry meets Mrs. Lift, but despite her harsh treatment of him he refuses to kill her. Eventually, when Mrs. Lift drives Owen to the breaking point, Larry finally relents and agrees to go through with the murder.  After two unsuccessful attempts, Larry flees the Lift home when Mrs. Lift recognizes him as a suspect from a news broadcast about his ex-wife&#39;s disappearance. He boards a train to Mexico and, surprisingly, Owen and Mrs. Lift come along so as to avoid having to lie for him. During the journey, Larry&#39;s patience with Mrs. Lift reaches its pinnacle when she impolitely gives him advice on writing. He follows her to the caboose with the intent of throwing her from the train, but stops short when she almost falls off on her own. Owen begins having second thoughts about having his mother killed and comes to help Larry rescue her. Mrs. Lift is grateful at her son for saving her, but unappreciative of Larry&#39;s help and kicks him, resulting in him losing his balance, landing on the tracks, and breaking his leg.  During his recovery in the hospital, Larry discovers Margaret is still alive; she simply fell overboard by accident and was rescued by a Polynesian fisherman whom she has decided to marry. Much to his annoyance, Larry learns Margaret plans to sell the rights of her ordeal for $1.5 million dollars. On the advice of a fellow patient, Larry chooses to free himself of his obsession with his ex-wife and instead focus on his own life, thereby freeing him of his writer&#39;s block.  A year later, Larry has finished a novel based on his experiences with Owen and Mrs. Lift entitled Throw Momma from the Train. Owen visits and informs him that his mother has died (of natural causes) and that he&#39;s going to New York City for the release of his own book. Unfortunately, Owen reveals his book is also about their experiences together. Thinking his book has been scooped, an enraged Larry proceeds to strangle him, but stops when Owen shows him the book is a children&#39;s pop-up book called, Momma, Owen, and Owen&#39;s Friend Larry with the story drastically altered to be suitable for children. Months later, Larry, Owen, and Larry&#39;s girlfriend Beth (Kim Greist) vacation together in Hawaii, reflecting on the final chapter of Larry&#39;s book. Larry and Owen&#39;s books have now become best-sellers, making them both successful writers as well as close friends.
                • 女税务官 7.0 女税务官
                  1987 喜剧
                  简介:  板仓亮子(宫本信子 饰)是港町税务署的调查员,她工作认真负责,但在收到一位老婆婆的指责后,她不再将目光停留在普通老百姓身上,而是转移到大的商会上面。在她锲而不舍的追查下,许多狡猾的公司老板纷纷现出原形。不过亮子也有为难的时候,经营旅馆业的权藤英树(山崎努 饰)就是一条狡猾的老狐狸,任凭亮子怎样调查也找不到蛛丝马迹。  不久后,亮子因工作出色被调到国税局侦查科,她和同事齐心协力侦破不少偷税案件。随着一同匿名举报电话的到来,权藤的案子再次提出,亮子决心将其偷税事实彻底查清……
                • 女税务官续集 7.0 女税务官续集
                  1988 喜剧
                  简介:  某宗△教团体天之道法人代表鬼泽铁平(三国连太郎 饰)籍着宗教法人不用纳税的法律漏洞作掩护,将从其他行业得来的黑金以宗教名义藏匿起来,并且过着奢华淫糜的⊙生活。国税局得知消息,派出侦查科的坂仓亮子(宫本信子 饰)调查此案。亮子与东大毕业的新人三岛(益岡徹 饰)几经周折,艰难取证,然鬼泽狡猾非常,调查工作困难重重。  另一方面,鬼泽与政治家、地产商人、银行家和黑社会相互勾结,为了得到某块土地对这里原有的住户进行恐吓与骚扰,手段恶劣,无所不用其极↘。  这次亮子面对着一群比当年权藤英树更加难缠和狡猾的对手……
                • 神游天地 10.0 神游天地
                  1987 喜剧
                  简介:  故事分成三個章節:主要的章節由高達親自飾演導演,正要趕乘飛Ψ 機,在24小時內把一部電影的菲林交給監製;同時一隊二人流行電子音樂組合,不斷排練歌曲,最後在路上表演;另一邊廂,愚笨的大№肥佬捲入一宗事件,被神秘女人密切監視,最後更被拘捕。三段故事看似毫無關連,實際是高達以電影來討論電影製作和藝術▲創作的重要。片名看似帶有弦外之音,就像高達暗示,假如監製或其他人要干擾導演的藝術創作,就索性我行我素,忠於自己的道路好了。這大概亦示範了高達如何純熟地運用電影媒體來做評論。  A film in three chapters: Godard plays the director in the main chapter, rushing to catch a plane to pass the negatives to his producer within 24 hours; an electronic duo keeps rehearsing for their roadshow; a clumsy fat man gets involved in an incident, and is arrested after being watched by a mysterious woman. Seemingly unrelated events, Godard is discussing the importance of film producer and artistic creativity. Godard is making the statement that if a producer or anyone interferes with creativity, it is better for the artist to go one&#39;s own way. A showpiece of how Godard uses the film media as his critical essay.


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