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                类型: 美国




                Cinemax宣布续订《#反击# Strike Back》第八兼#最终季#,这部剧首季是Sky1的英剧,后来被Cinemax买了后改写风格,成为了台成名剧之一;而在15年剧终后♂不久,该剧以重启方式在17年复活。


                • 玩火→第一季 4.0 玩火第一季
                  2019 欧美
                  简介:  三个富裕的女人,包括①一个母亲和她的女儿,在哥伦比亚的咖啡三角地区落入了一个十足的男人的№手中。
                • 少年间谍 第三季 8.0 少年间谍 第三季
                  少年间谍 第三季
                  2024 欧美
                  简介:“少年007”系列剧集《少年间谍》(Alex Rider)正式获续订第三季,本季@ 故事改编自Alex Rider系列小说▓第五部《毒蝎党》(Scorpia),依旧由Guy Burt担任改编。
                • 23号ㄨ灯塔第二季 4.0 23号〓灯塔第二季
                  2024 欧美
                  简介:  MGM+, a premium linear channel and streaming service, today announced it has picked up the second season of the science-fiction mystery thriller Beacon 23, based on the best-selling book by Hugh Howey. Produced by Boat Rocker, the new season will premiere on MGM+ in April 2024 with eight new episodes. Zak Penn (Ready Player One, Free Guy) created the series and executive produces. Glen Mazzara (The Walking Dead, The Shield) and Joy Blake (The Passage, Ghost Whisperer) serve as co-showrunners and executive producers on Season Two.
                • 少年间谍第ぷ三季 3.0 少年间谍第三季
                  2024 欧美
                  简介:  “少年007”系列剧集《少年间谍》(Alex Rider)正式获续订第三季,本季故⌒ 事改编自Alex Rider系列小说第五部《毒蝎党》(Scorpia),依旧由Guy Burt担任改编。
                • 各取所需 第二季 3.0 各取所需 第二季
                  各取所需 第二季
                  2021 欧美
                  简介:A few months have passed since the last game. Adriana left Oscar and now he lives with Gaby...and Mica. Valentin came out of the closet and is trying to be happy in this new stage of his life. Barbara and Leo were stripped of their belongings by Aurelia's lawsuit but they adopted Carmen and now have a &quot;throuple.&quot;
                • 迷离时空(原版)第一季 8.0 迷离时空(原版)第一季


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