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                类型: 剧情
                导演: 尹宗锡






                • 播种者 4.0 播种者
                  2016 剧情
                  简介:  After the Great Earthquake in Northeastern Japan, Mitsuo is sent to a mental hospital from the strain of grief from working to clear out the debris of the disaster. When he is released 3 years later, he feels a moment of happiness as he is welcomed back by his brother Yuta, his wife Yoko, their first daughter Chie, and their second daughter Itsuki, who has a down syndrome.The next day, Chie wishes to go to the amusement park, and Mitsuo takes Chie and Itsuki there. But these happy moments don&#39;t last long, and the incident happens at the park. Chie dropped Itsuki on the concrete when Mitsuo took his eyes off of them. Yoko cannot accept Itsuki&#39;s death, madly questions Chie and Mitsuo. In this pressure, Chie lies that &quot;Uncle Mitsuo dropped Itsuki.&quot; As Yoko goes through a mental breakdown from the shock. Becoming full with regret day by day, Yoko accuses Yuta and questions if he felt relieved that Itsuki died. Hearing this fight between her parents, Chie&#39;s heart was also slowly being ...
                • 大师2022 4.0 大师2022
                  2022 剧情
                  简介:  Orestes travels to a small island during the pandemic in order to set up a music festival from scratch. Confronted with the small socie ty of the island, he will find involved in an extreme love story  克里斯托弗洛斯·帕帕卡里亚蒂斯阔别八年回归影坛作品,继“岛” “红河” “寂静之路”后又一部希腊剧佳片,疫病,难民,爱情,古典乐课。看似和谐的家庭关系之下又有多少暗流涌动?希腊碧海蓝天之间又隐藏着多少悲欢离合?一曲德彪西的月光,两段禁忌之爱,一幅描绘当代希腊人浪漫与苦情,挣扎与救赎的风情画。  10月13日希腊MegaTv独播,仅面向希腊地区观众,12月19日上线Netflix(希腊、塞浦路斯地区),23年年初将作为Netflix第一部希腊语剧集全球上映。
                • 放飞新人生 9.0 放飞新人生
                  2022 剧情
                  简介:  一个年轻的阿米什人前往柏林寻找他的根、探索其他生活方式、坠入爱河,还面临着一个重大决定。
                • 骷髅城之七人·月 (下弦) 9.0 骷髅城之七人·月 (下弦)
                  骷髅城之七人·月 (下弦)
                  2019 剧情
                  简介:  1590年初,在统治者织田信长去世后,土地被丰臣秀吉接管。远在东部平原,一个名为“天茂”的神秘反叛者正在ω与其骷髅军团进行内战。在平原地区的一天,一个独行侠“雾丸”被骷髅军ω 团追捕,走投无路。他被一群流浪者和“舍之介”拯救。雾丸在打斗中受伤,被带到附近的“无界”村庄。无界是首都和东部平原之间的Ψ 邮政中转。这是个忙碌的村庄,对任何人都开放。该村庄由艺伎“极乐太夫”和“无界屋蘭兵卫”管理,还有一个名为“狸穴二郎”的浪人武士。当舍之介, 狸穴二郎和无界屋蘭兵卫都聚集在村中时,一个ζ 奇怪的时刻到来,似乎暗示着他们之间的某种渊源。它们背后隐藏着什么样的关系?这场内战将如何解开?
                • 轮到你了 剧场版 8.0 轮到你了 剧场版
                  轮到你了 剧场版
                  2021 剧情
                  简介:  电影版非电视剧版的续作,而是讲述剧版世界的平行故事,新①婚夫妇菜奈(原田知世 饰)和翔太(田中圭 饰)搬入公寓两年后,邀请邻居们参加他们在游轮上办的婚宴,不料在无处可逃的游轮上发生了连续杀人事◣件,每个人在试图解决案件时,却触发了意想不到的杀意……
                • 水俣病2020 7.0 水俣病2020
                  2020 剧情
                  简介:  约翰尼·德普将主演惊悚片《水俣病》(Minamata),饰演史上最著名的摄影记者之一尤金·史密斯。影片由Andrew Levitas(《摇篮曲》)执导,明年1月在日本开拍,也将去塞尔维亚拍摄。讲述因二战时期作品而知名的摄影师史密斯在1971年本已隐居,但受Life杂志编辑Ralph Graves委托,他再次拿起相机,去日本记录因汞污染引起的震惊全球的怪病“水俣病”现状,和政府所做的掩盖。当时该事件已进入确定责任阶段,受害者与企业谈判中。


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