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                类型: 动作
                导演: Travis Taute




                  Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo&#39;s world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife&#39;s murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he&#39;s killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can&#39;t comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.


                • 第一滴血4 10.0 第一滴血4
                  2008 动作
                  简介:军政府统治下的缅⌒甸,其西部由于蕴含丰富资源而被军队觊觎多年,那里的儿童经常被军队强征入伍,针对平民的屠杀已经成了部分军人的娱乐……一支教会义工小队为了进入该地∑ 区向难民提供人道主义帮助,在泰国找到了隐居的兰博(西尔维斯特?史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰),希望熟悉河道的后者提供帮助。兰博认为时局没有改变的可能,拒绝带路,但终被义工莎拉(Julie Benz 饰)的诚意打动,将他们送达。   岂料这支义工小队在村庄中遭到军队的袭击,生还者全部被掳走。教会获悉义工们身陷险境,组织雇佣兵营救,并再次委托兰博带路,这一次,兰博的态度发生了转变,他率领雇佣兵们潜入缅甸军营,又一次化身热血战士。
                • 恐攻密码战 7.0 恐攻密码战
                  2015 动作
                  简介:World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous &quot;Stamp of Cain&quot; in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn&#39;t even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search she ends up in Belarus to meet face to face with the one, whom she ha...
                • 铁男3:子弹人 8.0 铁男3:子弹人
                  2009 动作
                  简介:供职于东京☆某公司的安东尼(埃里克·波希克 Eric Bossick 饰)与妻子百合子(桃生亚希子 饰)、儿子汤姆过着优渥、幸福的⌒生活,但是一场灾难毁坏了这一切。汤姆被一个神秘人(塚本晋也 饰)开车撞死,百合子精神几近崩溃。安东尼的身体也在愤怒之际不断金属化,这令他惶恐不已。与此同时,更有不明身份之人接连向他痛下杀手。按照神秘人的◎指示,他从父亲莱德的工作资料得知,许多年前父亲曾和母亲美津枝参与了一项名为“铁男计划”的科学研究,而自己竟是父亲潜心制造出来的具有极大杀♀伤力的人造人。一切由此陷入混乱之中……   本片为铁男系列20周年纪念重拍版█,是该系列的第三部作品。
                • 七剑 4.0 七剑
                  2005 动作
                  简介:满清军队在风△火连城(孙红雷饰)的率领下逼近武庄,欲将关内隐藏的反抗力量斩尽杀ㄨ绝,而武庄更是围剿的重点。武庄表面上住了一批庄稼¤人,实则是反清组织天地会分舵人马,全庄上下整备应敌,但却@ 力量有限。   危险逼进,路见不平的侠医傅青主(刘家良饰)为了解武庄之危,带了两位武庄青年武元英(杨采妮饰)和韩志邦(陆毅饰)上天ω山求助。擅于铸剑的世外高人晦明大师住在万里∞冰封的天山上,他珍藏七把剑中珍品。座下有ω 大弟子楚昭南(甄子丹饰),二弟子杨云聪(黎明饰),三弟子辛龙◆子(戴立吾饰)以及四弟子穆郎(周群达饰),晦明大师认为武元英和韩志邦也是可塑之材,加上傅青■主本人,把毕生修为炼成的∮七把宝剑分赠七人,是为“七剑下天山”的武林传奇。
                • 陆↘小凤传奇之铁▃鞋传奇 4.0 陆小←凤传奇之铁鞋传奇
                  2007 动作
                  简介:桃花堡堡『主花如令(夏志祥饰)六十寿诞大宴在即,宴请江湖五大掌门人及众位武林人士,齐聚毓秀山庄。寿宴前夕,花如令为儿子花①满楼(张智尧饰)安排了一场除去心中魔怔的局。十五年前,花满楼被铁鞋大盗所害,双目失明。即使花如令已联合江湖五大门派将铁鞋大@ 盗铲除,但十几年来花满楼却饱受心理魔怔的折磨。为在有生之年帮儿子驱走魔怔,花如令◣请来陆小凤(张智霖饰)假扮铁鞋大盗,成全花满楼亲手铲除仇人的心愿。   本片根据古龙的武侠小说《陆小凤传奇》改编而成,但并非原著系列故事之一。《铁鞋传奇》根据原著的人物性格和〇故事情节,既忠于古龙先生的原著,又在此基础上加以艺术化的整理和演绎,环环紧扣,高潮迭起,把古龙笔下最快意恩仇的《陆小凤传奇之铁鞋传奇》呈现于荧屏。
                • D4救援队 6.0 D4救援队
                  2011 动作
                  简介:D4区是由美国军队使用、以测试其最↙新的武器并保护人民的区域。五角大楼确保这种超秘密地区受保护平民的存在。尽管采取了所有的预防措施,但还是发生了严重意外事件「。美国ZF必须迅速行动,决定派遣一个救援雇佣军矫枉过『正!由于时间紧迫,五角大楼前决定铲平D4区和该地区所有的人。   D4 follows a team of special ops mercenaries on a mission to rescue a kidnapped kid believed to be held in an abandoned government facility. Hired by the boy&#39;s mother, a wealthy doctor with high reaching influence, all seems to be an easy job. Bu...


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