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                类型: 海外




                  The story begins in 1996 when Colonel Sodhi, now 70, visits his sister and her family. However, even after over half a century, the nightmares of his intense battle and its aftermath often return to haunt him. Old Sodhi and young Amar begin to bond and Sodhi accompanies Amar to Burma (Myanmar) for an assignment from BBC to shoot a documentary on the students against the Military Junta for freedom and democracy. In Singapore, Sodhi visits the places which bring back the memories of him as a Lieutenant in the British Indian Army Lt. Sodhi meets a beautiful photographer Maya who inspires him to change. Sodhi falls in love with Maya who joins the Indian National Army. Old Sodhi lands in Burma with Amar, and is welcomed by an Indian girl Rani. They accidentally get caught in the student protest and firing by the Military Junta to suppress the student agitation. When the soldiers of the Military Junta get rough and violent with Amar and Rani, old Sodhi is suddenly transformed into the young Lt.Sodhi and kills the two Burmese soldiers to defend his group.Old Sodhi and his group&#39;s escape from the Burmese soldiers runs parallel to the attack by the British bombers on Lt.Sodhi&#39;s unit. In 1944, the Indian National Army, tired, hungry, cold, feverish, sick had reached Imphal to defend it against all the odds piled heavily against them. In a school set up by Rani&#39;s grandmother, Old Sodhi finds the photograph of Maya and realizes that Maya has been dead. Old Sodhi, finally redeems himself by helping his young group safely cross over from Burma into India, and keep his promise to Maya that he would one day return to Burma to find her and be with her when his body is blown by the Burmese soldiers to ashes and glory.


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                  简介:故事发生在一间位于多伦多市中心的便利店内,经营店铺的是金氏夫妇,他们在80年代移民来到了多伦多,依靠着不懈的努力在这里站稳了脚跟,生儿育女传宗接代。金家的︻儿子脾气非常火爆,在16岁那一年,儿子阿君和父亲之间爆发了一场剧烈的争吵,最终两人谈崩了,儿子选择了离家出走,再也不和父亲有任何的交际,但是他和母亲以及妹妹之间的▂关系却还算良好。  妹妹珍妮特目前是一名大学生,正在一∏家艺术大学里学习摄影课程,希望以后能够成为一名摄影师。妈妈和妹妹都希望阿君和父亲能够重修旧好,但这显▆然是一条充满了荆棘的漫长道路。
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