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                类型: 剧情
                导演: Anna Axster




                  A COUNTRY CALLED HOME is a compelling coming of age story with universal appeal because it deals with trials and trepidations that most people experience in one way or another, no matter who they are or where they are from. The story incorporates the views of people from all walks of life; different generations, different places, and different socio-economic backdrops.  After rudderless 26 year old Ellie learns that her estranged, alcoholic father has died, her world is disrupted and she begins a journey that takes her to small-town Texas, where she finds direction, family, and friendship in this most unexpected place.


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                  简介:在美国某个乡村工厂做工〖的捷克移民塞尔玛(比约克)天性善良,因患有先天性疾病,她的视线正日趋模糊。为了不让遗传了该病的儿子也将宿命继承,塞尔玛每日做工都很辛苦,不知情的好友兼同事林达(凯萨琳?丹妮芙)因心疼而好言相劝时,她总是报一微笑,因为她还有另一个纯粹属于音乐的世界,其间的美好与安静,足以抵挡现实的心酸与艰难。   令她欣慰的是,在眼睛要彻底变瞎之前,基本筹齐了儿子手术所需的费用,然而ω就在此时,意外发生,她的命运被加速推向复杂悲惨的境地。
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                  简介:由於身懷特殊能力,一個名叫宮的女孩被僱傭兵追□ 殺。在逃跑的路上,她碰巧遇到出生在忍者世家中的石動律花。這些忍者一直隱居在僻靜之地,石動律花和她的祖父兵衛,也就是忍者家族的首領,決定為宮提供庇護,但親眼看見父親被僱傭兵殺害的宮卻一心想要報仇…。
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                  简介:NCT Dream are coming soon with their very own, &#39;Beyond the Dream Show&#39; via &#39;V Live+&#39;!   NCT Dream will be greeting fans with their very own &#39;Beyond Live&#39; online concert as the third SM Entertainment artists up, this May 10 at 3 PM KST. Previously, SM Entertainment launched their state-of-the-art &#39;Beyond Live&#39; online concert series with artists like SuperM and WayV.   Fans can look ...
                • 身度 3.0 身度
                  2012 剧情
                  简介: 苏小曼(王月 饰)是时尚杂志的编辑,同时亦是一名情感专栏作家,在杂志中,苏小曼替深陷情感困境中的男男女女们出谋划策,但其实她自己对男女之事亦是满头雾水。苏小曼经历过一段失败的恋情,这段经历让她想了很多,并开始对男女之情有了新的认识。  某日,苏小曼和一位导演尝试了一夜情,这种全新的关系让她产生了通过肉体探究男人心灵的想法,并且立刻开始了行动。在夜店里,在大街上,一段段火热的故事轮番上演,苏小曼决心将这一切写入书中,与此同时,辗转在不同男人之间的苏小曼觉得自己迅速的成熟起来。随着时间的推移,苏小曼发现自己渐渐沉迷到了这场★声色犬马的游戏之中去。
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                  简介:Shelly needs to catch a killer in order to prove her innocence in her brother&#39;s murder. Along the way she meets love, sorrow, and prosecution. A journey of self perception as she finally realizes her destiny.
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                  简介:14-year old drug dealer Johnny is in a home for young people. When he learns that he cannot go home at weekends any longer, he asks one of his customers, famous successful actor Antony, to be his weekend guardian.


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