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                类型: 电影解说




                  桌子上摆放着一只精美的中国瓷盘。盘子上的画优美雍容,洗练飘逸,画中自有一番异国情趣。在遥远的中国,某达官显贵过着奢华无比的生活,吃饭期间仆人会趴在地上充当桌子,旁边还有专门的乐师和舞女演奏歌舞。乐音缭绕,华贵安详。富豪家有一个尚未成年的小女童,她正在河边玩耍,却不慎落入水中。少年渔夫听到了呼救声,连忙将女童救上岸来。他们两小无猜,尽情玩耍。渔夫扑打蝴蝶,结果吵醒了正在睡觉的富豪。富豪大发雷霆,抽出利刃便要杀掉这个胆敢太岁头上动土的穷小子。  渔夫和女童携手奔逃,而那个凶神恶煞一般的富豪则在后面穷追不舍……


                • 天蝎座之夜[电影解说] 4.0 天蝎座之夜[电影解说]
                  1985 电影解说
                  简介:  All Filipino erotica movies from the past to the present have almost always taken their story premise and plot from &#39;Scorpio Nights&#39;, Peque Gallaga&#39;s masterpiece of poverty, love, and unquenchable libido.  The movie tells the sexual adventures of Danny (Daniel Fernando), a youth who cannot seem to control his urges. Danny served as peeping tom to a childless couple just below his rented apartment. When he accidentally entered the couple&#39;s room, he was mistaken by the wife as his own husband and she willingly had sex with him. The steamy affair had turned into an obsession which led to the demise of all the lead characters.  What made the film good was it evoked the painful realities of living below the average class during Philippine Martial Law era, to the extent that people find other ways to pleasure themselves. Also, the film successfully presented a negative consequence of overt sexual obsession.  Never had the Philippines ever produced an indie-like classic such as this. All other erotic movies made after &#39;Scorpio Nights&#39; were cheap imitations. Even its successor, &#39;Scorpio Nights 2&#39; (with a different director) failed too much to live up to its predecessor.  Scorpio Nights was later remade into a Korean film called Summertime directed by Jae-ho Park.  Awards for:  Best Cinematography (Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino),  Best Sound (MPP, Philippine Movie Press Club), Best Production Design (PMPC),  Best Music (MPP, PMPC);  Nominations for:  Best Screenplay (PMPC),  Best Cinematography (PMPC),  Best Editing (MPP, PMPC),  Best Production Design (MPP),  Best Actor and  Best New Actor for Daniel Fernando (PMPC),  Best Supporting Actor for Eugene Enriquez (PMPC)
                • 玩具[电影解说] 1.0 玩具[电影解说]
                  2022 电影解说
                  简介:  Thea, Rene&#39;s wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the picture, Thea&#39;s wild and crazy game play changes.
                • 萨贝尔还很年轻[电影解说] 4.0 萨贝尔还很年轻[电影解说]
                  2022 电影解说
                  简介:  萨贝尔和布赖恩两人相爱,这对美丽的夫妻过上了幸福的婚姻生活,但是在蜜月期间,新娘萨贝尔被三个强壮的男人强奸玷污,他们不顾新娘的哭喊声,竟然当着丈夫的面轮奸了新娘,并残忍杀害了丈夫布赖恩。萨贝尔濒死之际,却意外获救,并且幸存ω下来,她发誓要让罪犯经历地狱,并开始了一系列复仇计划。
                • 玩火222[电影解说] 10.0 玩火222[电影解说]
                  2022 电影解说
                  简介:  Take a peek at the life of an unhappy housewife who finds passionate love from her neighbor and how their affair brings them closer to fire.
                • 赛琳娜的黄金[电影解说] 2.0 赛琳娜的黄金[电影解说]
                  2022 电影解说
                  简介:  赛琳娜的父亲把她卖给了蒂亚戈,蒂亚戈让她成为了奴隶并百般虐待她。在蒂亚戈收留的盲奴儿子多梦的帮助下,她计划着如何走出这个人间地狱。
                • 泡沫2022[电影解说] 1.0 泡沫2022[电影解说]
                  2022 电影解说
                  简介:  一个拥有洗衣店的女」人,用客户的衣服来满足她的性幻想。当她遇到一个性感的警察时,她想不惜一切代价拥有他。


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