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                类型: 剧情
                导演: 雅各·诺勒






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                  简介:  原本已经克服恐水症的贺顿却再次犯病,而这一切症结源于她无法正视钱开逸的死亡,这使得她与柏万福刚刚开始的感情岌岌可危。贺顿的心结越来越重,而汤小∏希的出现让贺顿意识到钱开逸的死并非意外,从此贺顿走上了复仇之路……
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                  简介:  A story about Dolly’s and Kazal’s secrets, two cousins, who live in the suburbs of New Delhi. Dolly lives as a middle-class housewife, but she has to hide some secrets to lead her life. Under the name ‘Kitty’, Kazal meets a man while playing the role of a cyber-lover.
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                  2018 剧情
                  简介:  14岁的莉莉丝的生活与一个正常的青少年相似,但也有一个特点:她是魔鬼的女儿,和他一起生活在地狱里。因为她在那里完全无聊,想玩得开心,想探索世界,所以她和父⊙亲订了一个协议:允许她去地球一□个星期,但她必须把好人变成坏人。如果她在这ㄨ一挑战中取得成功,她可能会永远留在地球上;否则她将陷入地狱般枯燥的工作,簿记在黑社会。  The life of 14-year-old Lilith is similar to that of a normal teenager, but there is a peculiarity: she is the daughter of the devil and lives with him in hell. Because she is totally bored there and wants to have fun and explore the world, she makes a pact with her father: she will be allowed to go to earth for a week – but she has to convert a good person to evil there. If she succeeds in this challenge, she may stay on earth forever; otherwise she will be stuck in a hell of a boring job bookkeeping in the underworld.
                • 舍己救人 6.0 舍己救人
                  2018 剧情
                  简介:  皮埃尔·尼内([弗兰兹])和阿◣娜伊丝·德穆斯捷([新女友])新片[舍己救人](Sauver ou périr,暂译)将于本月16日开拍。该片将由弗雷德里克·特利尔([杀手一号])执导,剧本由导演和大卫·奥霍芬共同撰写↓。电影聚焦巴黎一位消防员,当他自己经历了一场严重的火灾后,他必须同妻子一起』重建生活。


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