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                类型: 电影解说
                导演: Peque Gallaga




                  All Filipino erotica movies from the past to the present have almost always taken their story premise and plot from &#39;Scorpio Nights&#39;, Peque Gallaga&#39;s masterpiece of poverty, love, and unquenchable libido.  The movie tells the sexual adventures of Danny (Daniel Fernando), a youth who cannot seem to control his urges. Danny served as peeping tom to a childless couple just below his rented apartment. When he accidentally entered the couple&#39;s room, he was mistaken by the wife as his own husband and she willingly had sex with him. The steamy affair had turned into an obsession which led to the demise of all the lead characters.  What made the film good was it evoked the painful realities of living below the average class during Philippine Martial Law era, to the extent that people find other ways to pleasure themselves. Also, the film successfully presented a negative consequence of overt sexual obsession.  Never had the Philippines ever produced an indie-like classic such as this. All other erotic movies made after &#39;Scorpio Nights&#39; were cheap imitations. Even its successor, &#39;Scorpio Nights 2&#39; (with a different director) failed too much to live up to its predecessor.  Scorpio Nights was later remade into a Korean film called Summertime directed by Jae-ho Park.  Awards for:  Best Cinematography (Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino),  Best Sound (MPP, Philippine Movie Press Club), Best Production Design (PMPC),  Best Music (MPP, PMPC);  Nominations for:  Best Screenplay (PMPC),  Best Cinematography (PMPC),  Best Editing (MPP, PMPC),  Best Production Design (MPP),  Best Actor and  Best New Actor for Daniel Fernando (PMPC),  Best Supporting Actor for Eugene Enriquez (PMPC)


                • 秘密花园[电影解说] 5.0 秘密花园[电影解说]
                  1997 电影解说
                  简介:铃木咲子(西田尚美 饰)是一个从小对钱就格外感兴趣的女孩,短大毕业后她闲赋在家,家人一句“既然爱〇钱就去银行工作”的玩笑话竟促使她真的去银行求职。没过多久咲子沮丧地发现,虽然整日与钱为伍,但它们全不属于自己。不久,她所在的银行遭遇抢劫案,咲子连同500亿日元现金被歹徒一并虏去。歹徒的车子逃入富士树海,结果遭遇车祸引起爆炸,而咲子则和装满现金的箱子一同栽入水中。成功获救的咲子受到英雄般的追捧,那500亿巨款也被认为随同爆炸化作灰烬。然而只有咲子知道,500亿日元仍旧沉睡在树海的湖底。为了找到失落的巨款,咲子不遗余力,却无意中开始了一段别样而多彩的人生……  本片荣获第21回日本学院奖最佳新人奖(西田尚美)。
                • 寄生虫[电影解说] 5.0 寄生虫[电影解说]
                  2019 电影解说
                  简介:基宇(崔宇植 饰)出生在一个贫穷的家庭之中,和妹妹基婷(朴素丹 饰)以及父母在狭窄的地下室里过着相依为命的日子。一天,基宇的同学上门拜访,他告诉基宇,自己在一个有钱人家里◥给他们的女儿做家教,太太是一个头脑简单出手又阔绰的女人,因为自己要出国留学,所以将家教的职位暂时转交给基宇。  就这样,基宇来到了╳朴社长(李善均 饰)家中,并且见到了他的太太(赵汝贞 饰),没过多久,基宇的妹妹和父母也如同寄生虫一般的进入了朴社长家里工作。然而,他们的野心并没有止步于此,基宇更是和大小姐坠入了爱河。随着时间的推移,朴社长家里隐藏的秘密渐渐浮出了水面。
                • 德州巴黎[电影解说] 9.0 德州巴黎[电影解说]
                  1984 电影解说
                  简介:查韦斯(哈利?戴恩?斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton 饰)迷失在德州荒无人烟的沙漠中,因为身体虚弱而昏迷。医院联系了他的弟弟沃特(迪恩?斯托克维尔 Dean Stockwell 饰)来接他。出院的查韦斯一直沉默,直到看见“巴黎,德州”的牌子,才终于开口。回到洛杉矶弟弟家,查韦斯见到了儿子——亨特(亨特?卡森 Hunter Carson 饰演),弟弟弟妹其实是养父养母。但是亨特对突如其来的父亲并不接受。后来,查韦斯用很特别的方式收复了孩子的心。通过交流,查韦斯了解到孩子的生母——简(娜塔莎?金斯基 Nastassja Kinski 饰)的下落。于是,父子踏▂上了一条寻母之路……本片获第37届戛纳电影节最佳影片金棕榈大奖。?豆瓣
                • 回到未来[电影解说] 4.0 回到未来[电影解说]
                  1985 电影解说
                  简介:布朗博士(克里斯托弗?洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd 饰)总是有些稀奇古怪的发明。在一次试验他发明的时光机々器时,他找来了忘年交高中生马丁(迈克尔?J?福克斯 Michael J. Fox 饰)。岂料实验过程中博士被歹徒杀害了,马丁慌乱中架着时光机逃跑,回到了30年前。  马丁遇到了30年前的父亲乔治(克利斯丁?格拉夫 Crispin Glover 饰)和母亲洛莲(莉?汤普森 Lea Thompson 饰)。马丁一边找寻30年前的布朗博士,好让自己回到未来;一边尽力撮合乔治和洛莲,以免自己在以后消失了。但乔治为人懦弱,马丁在撮合过程中弄巧成拙让洛莲爱上了自己。还有令人讨厌的贝夫从中作梗,令马丁恼怒不已。  马丁周旋在他的双亲之间,还要尽快找到博士,想办法回到未来……
                • 欲海奇鸳[电影解说] 7.0 欲海奇鸳[电影解说]
                  1951 电影解说
                  简介:  When Susan Gilvray reports a prowler outside her house police officer Webb Garwood investigates and sparks fly. If only her husband wasn&#39;t in the way.
                • 门锁2018[电影解说] 3.0 门锁2018[电影解说]
                  2018 电影解说
                  简介:  熙攘喧嚣的大都会里,供职于某银行的独身女子赵京敏过着朝九晚五的ζ生活,独自穿梭在城市的街头巷尾。这一晚,京敏下班回到家,发现家门的密码锁盖子被人打开。进屋后不久,她突然听到门口传来按密码锁的声音,更有人试图扭开门把手。虽然没有看到任何人,但恐慌的京敏还是选择报警,然而警方却以未发生侵入和伤害行为而拒绝进一步调查。夜渐渐深了,在极不正常的深度睡眠中,似乎有什么人坦然自若地走入京敏的房间,紧紧抱着这个女孩入「睡。接下来的日子,京敏的精神状态越来越差,无理的客户更是让她倍感恐慌。 她开始变得不知所措,身边每个男人似乎都变得无比可疑,而可怕的事情终于发生……


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