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                类型: 喜剧




                乔迪(艾娃·科塔 Ava Cota 饰)在校园中一直都是引人注目的存在,并不是因为她有多优秀,而是因为她的个子实在是太高了。因为自己的身高,乔迪感到非常的自卑,却又无力改变这一事实。就这样,在逃避和躲藏中,乔迪度》过了16年的时光,在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫斯蒂格(卢克·艾斯纳 Luke Eisner 饰)的男孩出现在了她的视野里,这是乔迪第一次在校园里遇见比她还要高的男孩,因此斯蒂格的出现一下子就抓住了乔迪的心。   在好友杰克(格里芬·格鲁克 Griffin Gluck 饰)和弗里达(安杰利卡·华盛顿 Anjelika Washington 饰)的帮助下,乔迪开始想方设∑法的吸引斯蒂格的注意。在此过程中,她也渐渐找回了属于自己的自信。


                • 宜家 2.0 宜家
                  1986 喜剧
                  简介:  6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful.  A brilliant and outragously funny satire of society, 7 December 1999  Author: Dave Joerg (joerd000@mail.zdv.uni-mainz.de)  &quot;Flodder&quot; is one of the funniest movies ever made and few people realise that it is a Dutch movie made by none other than the Holland version of John Carpenter, the famous Dick Maas, author and director of the thriller &quot;Amsterdamned&quot;. The Flodder family is the reincarnation of the term a-social. When the whole family bunch, basically all bastards, criminals and sluts must be relocated from their City slum because of toxic waste under their house, the city council house no choice. The only available space is in the &quot;Zoendal&quot; - the &quot;Sun Valley&quot; the best area in Amsterdam where all doctors, snobs and businessmen can afford to live their lives. And where the central point of interest and politics is the tennis club of the community. The Flodder family brings devastation to the tranquil world that ruled before. They are simply unbelievable. The characterisation is incredibly funny, beginning with Ma Flodder who searches other people&#39;s trash cans for food or making illegal liquor in her cellar and ending with the eldest daughter who is the biggest slut on earth. Together they make the most horrible family imaginable, a sort of immoral mirror image to the Brady Bunch or the Waltons. When the City counsel of Amsterdam hoped that the Flodders would show their good will to be more civilised in their new area, it turns out that Holland&#39;s most famous family would rather bring out the worst in the rich people of &quot;Sun Valley&quot;-wonderland. The rest is a hilarious, brilliant and well made social satire that can be watched as a provocative movie as well as a straightforward comedy. Dick Maas at his best. I salute him! Flooder was the Dutch smash hit in 1986 and brought two sequels and a tv series. All of the sequels were nice but not as great as the original.  Flodders (1986) is available on DVD in Germany in a dubbed German version in Dolby Digital 5.1. under the name:  &quot;Flodders -Eine Familie zum knutschen&quot;  Why is First Floor Features, the producer of the movie not bringing the Dick Maas blockbusters out on DVD in the Netherlands, I wonder. The are not even available on video there. These movies have so much potential, still to this day and have a huge silent but true following.
                • 在她们◢眼中 4.0 在她们眼中★
                  2022 喜剧
                  简介:  故事围绕一个圣诞节蛋糕展开,讲述了战︾争年代天主教女子学院里人性的纯真、贪婪→和幻想。“pupil”一词来源于拉丁语“pupilla”,即小女孩。
                • 对头冤家 2.0 对头冤家
                  1986 喜剧
                  简介:  汤姆·汉克斯片中饰演广告界红人大卫·巴斯诺。他事业有Ψ 成,生活优悠,忽然Ψ接到一通电话:结婚三十六年的母亲决定离开他的父亲。此时大卫不得不回过头来跟父亲相处,赫然发现父子俩的生活方式△和观念竟然南辕北【辙。
                • 迷城宝藏 10.0 迷城宝藏
                  1986 喜剧
                  简介:  本片根据瑞德哈葛德(H.Rider Haggard)的小说改编,为1985年动作冒险「片《老天发威》(King Solomon&#39;s Mines)的续集,由莎朗史东与理查张伯伦携手合作。莎朗史东在片中所饰演的考古学家跟随男【友理查张伯伦前往非洲西部,找寻他失▆踪的兄弟--就在一位濒死的神秘人交给他一块金子之后…
                • 末↓日美利坚 5.0 末○日美利坚
                  1986 喜剧
                  简介:  雷米(雷米·吉拉德 Rémy Girard 饰)这些ω 年来从未断绝过自己的风流韵事,可是他却在朋友们面前口口声声的说着最爱的还¤是自己的妻子路易斯(多萝蒂·贝里曼 Dorothée Berryman 饰)。克劳德(伊夫·雅克 Yves Jacques 饰)是一名同性恋者。阿兰(Daniel Brière 饰)依然坚定的奉行着自己的独生主义。皮埃尔(皮埃尔·克尔季 Pierre Curzi 饰)虽然经历了失败的婚姻,但并不觉得自己要对此※负主要责任。  别墅里,这四个男人正在为晚上的聚会做准备,而收到邀请的四位女士多米尼克(多米妮克·米歇尔 Dominique Michel 饰)、路易斯、蒂亚娜(露易丝·波特 Louise Portal 饰)和达尼埃尔①(热纳卐维耶芙·里乌 Geneviève Rioux 饰)此时还不知道,晚上会有怎样的波折在等待着她们。
                • 神勇∑ 三蛟龙△ 4.0 神勇三蛟龙
                  1986 喜剧
                  简介:  史蒂夫·马丁、切维依·蔡斯、马丁·肖特饰演默片时代的西部片英雄。当一个墨西哥小村落〖被不法之徒吓得不知如何是好之际,不少村民提议邀请这三名银幕上的大英雄前来解救危难。三人以为他们到小村庄只是风光亮相,不料真枪实弹的去打了起来。


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