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                类型: 剧情
                导演: Matt Piedmont




                阿南多(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)的父亲经营着一间大农场,阿南多从小就在这里玩耍长大,如今,他是这里的运作者和主宰者。时代的变化和经济的不景气让农场的收」益日渐减少,就在阿南多感○到撑不下去之时,他的弟弟鲁尔(迭戈·鲁纳 Diego Luna 饰)带◣着未婚妻索尼娅(珍妮塞丝·罗德里格兹 Genesis Rodriguez 饰)。   鲁尔似乎在经营着什么了不得的生意,而他的出现或许能够挽回农场面临破产的悲剧,然而,随着时间的推移,阿南多和性感火辣的索尼娅之间渐渐产生了不伦的感情,与此同时,阿南多发现,鲁尔的生意,竟■然和墨西哥最臭名昭著的毒枭安舍(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 饰)有着千丝万缕的关联。


                • 贵族 3.0 贵族
                  2018 剧情
                  简介:  It is winter in a prestigious all boys&#39; boarding school, where children continue to practice age-old rituals and codes bound by years of hierarchy of the popular norm. Shay is picked at constantly, the main perpetrators being Arjun, the tall athletic sports captain and his best friend Baadal. Shay and Prithi, the spunky daughter of the new Junior School Principal are cast as Bassanio and Portia in the Founders Day production of Merchant of Venice. Murali, the charismatic drama teacher unknowingly adds salt to Baadal&#39;s wounds by casting him as Shay&#39;s understudy. Indignant, Baadal vows to get Shay&#39;s part at any cost and turns to his buddy Arjun for help. Events take a sinister turn when Shay walks in on Arjun, Baadal and their cronies on a debauched night.
                • 好男孩 5.0 好男孩
                  2018 剧情
                  简介:  For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny&#39;s self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny&#39;s intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.
                • 黄玫瑰 8.0 黄玫瑰
                  2019 剧情
                  简介:  两代百□老汇的“西贡小姐”Lea Salonga和Eva Noblezada将合作出演新片《黄玫瑰》(Yellow Rose),是一部音︻乐剧,聚焦一个17岁的菲律宾裔☆美国女孩,她来自得州,热爱□ 乡村音乐,想当歌手。但她的母亲被美国移民和海关执法局逮捕,女孩逃走了,她必须闯出〓自己的路,不然会▂被跟妈妈一起驱逐回菲律宾。纪录片导演Diane Paragas执导,卡司将创作和演出片中音乐。
                • 寂靜風暴 9.0 寂靜風暴
                  2016 剧情
                  简介:  9th Ward是美國紐奧良市極具傳奇色▲彩的街區,獨特的文化氛圍和親密的鄰里關係,孕育著Ψ一代代紐奧良文化的傳承者,有著音樂天賦的高中生Aurora便是其中一位。但她也和其他很多生活在以黑人為主的社區的孩子們一樣,承受著歷史和制々度對黑人社區的不公所帶來的困擾甚至是威脅,而Katrina颶風更是讓9th Ward原本∮脆弱的社區生態雪上加霜。青梅竹馬的表哥曾和她一樣在學校名列前茅,但如今卻身負著惡性謀殺◣的重大嫌疑。面對媒體上滾動播放的與自己同齡的被害少女遺像、被害人父親含淚拋出的高額懸賞、為家用入不敷出爭吵的父母、對『街頭氾濫槍支的憎惡、步入歧途卻珍視親情◥的表哥……即將高中畢業的Aurora將如何抉擇?
                • 米开朗基Ψ 罗 2.0 米开朗基╳罗▓
                  2018 剧情
                  简介:  名列「文艺复兴三杰」之首的米开朗∴基罗,从小展现对艺术的极高天分,更受到当时最具权势的麦迪奇家族拔擢。不料命运多舛,提拔他的知己罗伦佐竟突然辞世,顿失依靠的他,回到修道院后改学解剖,竟意外开启人像雕塑的崭新境界…。以壁画《创世纪》、《最后的审判》及雕塑《大卫像》奠定了他在艺术史上破天荒的地位。这些强烈的艺∑术风格,甚至影响数个世纪的艺术家★们,迄今仍无人能超越其成就。
                • 吶喊2019 8.0 吶喊2019
                  2019 剧情
                  简介:An installation presented on 11 screens featuring nude human figures engaged in cathartic performance.


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